Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 52 No. 2 - Spring 2014

Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {57094 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 52 No. 2 - Spring 2014 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE - Volume 52 Number 2 Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1963 2014 40pp $6.00/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>SPECIAL FEATURES <br>The Later Sayings of Rabbi Hillet by Marty Roth <br> <br>Violence Against Women in Canada by Holly Johnson and Emily Colpitts, for the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW-ICREF) <br> <br>Why International Women's Day Matters Now More than Ever by Tom Sandborn <br> <br>The Patriarchal Illusion of Control by Helen Forsey <br> <br>What's Really at Stake in Ukraine? by Murray Dobbin <br> <br>Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: Now You See It.... by Marty Roth <br> <br>The Baltic Republics As Seen by Two Jewish Tourists by David and Toby Brooks <br> <br>A Selection of Yiddish Poetry <br>Anna Margolin, Rajzel Zychlinsky, and Mindy (Mindl) Rinkewich - Selected and Introduced by Albert Rosenblatt <br> <br>Bergen-Belsen Diary, 1945 by Chava Rosenfarb <br> <br>Leaving Auschwitz by Jerome Richard <br> <br>A Little Nosh by Harriet Zaidman (Warm Lentil & Potato Salad) <br> <br>Rest in Peace Pete Seeger (1919-2014) by Michael Friedman <br> <br>From Our Berlin Correspondent <br>Seegers in East Berlin by Victor Grossman <br> <br>Honouring Jewish Humanists <br>Clemens Kalischer by Bennett Muraskin <br> <br>The Ghosts of Europe: Central Europe's Past and Uncertain Future (Book Review) by Bennett Muraskin <br> <br>Hope into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears (Book Review) by Martha Roth <br> <br>1941: The Year That Keeps Returning (Book Review) by Christopher Levenson <br> <br>The Geographical Encyclopedia of the Holocaust in Hungary (Book Review) by Thomas Orszag-Land <br> <br>REGULAR FEATURES <br>Editorially Speaking... <br>The Water Cooler by Carl Rosenberg <br>Jottings by Sylvia Friedman 1 false false true CA57094.htm [0xc00073bce0 0xc0007b0a50] Ca}
Year Published:  2014
Pages:  40pp   Price:  $6.00/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

The Later Sayings of Rabbi Hillet by Marty Roth

Violence Against Women in Canada by Holly Johnson and Emily Colpitts, for the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW-ICREF)

Why International Women's Day Matters Now More than Ever by Tom Sandborn

The Patriarchal Illusion of Control by Helen Forsey

What's Really at Stake in Ukraine? by Murray Dobbin

Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: Now You See It.... by Marty Roth

The Baltic Republics As Seen by Two Jewish Tourists by David and Toby Brooks

A Selection of Yiddish Poetry
Anna Margolin, Rajzel Zychlinsky, and Mindy (Mindl) Rinkewich - Selected and Introduced by Albert Rosenblatt

Bergen-Belsen Diary, 1945 by Chava Rosenfarb

Leaving Auschwitz by Jerome Richard

A Little Nosh by Harriet Zaidman (Warm Lentil & Potato Salad)

Rest in Peace Pete Seeger (1919-2014) by Michael Friedman

From Our Berlin Correspondent
Seegers in East Berlin by Victor Grossman

Honouring Jewish Humanists
Clemens Kalischer by Bennett Muraskin

The Ghosts of Europe: Central Europe's Past and Uncertain Future (Book Review) by Bennett Muraskin

Hope into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears (Book Review) by Martha Roth

1941: The Year That Keeps Returning (Book Review) by Christopher Levenson

The Geographical Encyclopedia of the Holocaust in Hungary (Book Review) by Thomas Orszag-Land

Editorially Speaking...
The Water Cooler by Carl Rosenberg
Jottings by Sylvia Friedman

Subject Headings

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