Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 46 No. 6 - Nov./Dec. 2008

Date Written:  2008-11-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {57051 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 46 No. 6 - Nov./Dec. 2008 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE - Volume 46 Number 6 Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 2008-11-01 1963 2008 40pp $5.00/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>SPECIAL FEATURES <br>Three Cheers for Old Socialism by Duncan Cameron <br> <br>The Votes of a Dual Citizen by Prof. Stephen Scheinberg <br> <br>Communists, Jews, and Folk Music by Gary Cristall <br> <br>Harper Gets a Failing Grade for Plagiarism and Poor Judgement by Stephen Scheinberg <br> <br>Water as a Human Right: Not So Obvious as it Seems by David B. Brooks <br> <br>A Fairy Tale by Uri Avnery <br> <br>Nazi Memorabilia for Sale in the Okanagan by Elizabeth Morantz <br> <br>Hannah Arendt on the Jewish Experience (Review/Essay) by Stephen Block <br> <br>In Memory of Aharon Amr: Where Have You Been All These Years? by Elisha Porat <br> <br>A Selection of Yiddish Poetry, Eliezer Shteynbarg - Selections and Introductory Comments by Al Stein <br> <br>Reviews of the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival (Film Review) by Tony Wohlfarth and Ben-Z. Shek <br> <br>Short Story, A Soft Heart by Yoysef Tunkel <br> <br>Jewish Humanists Remembered, Meyer Schapiro (1904-1996) by Bennett Muraskin <br> <br>The Continuing Relevance of Jewish Folklore by Rabbi Adam Chalom <br> <br>"Abby's Birds" and "Latkes" (Book Review) by Dvoira Yanovsky <br> <br>Good-Bye Marianne: A Story of Growing Up in Nazi Germany (Book Review) by Adrianne Fitch <br> <br>The Story of Yiddish: How a Mish-Mosh of Languages Saved the Jews by Al Stein <br> <br>Holy Land Mosaic: Stories of Cooperation and Coexistence Between Israelis and Palestinians (Book Review) by Yakov M. Rabkin <br> <br>Heads Bowed in Sorrow for Gerry (Geraldine) Revzin <br> <br>O Canada (Poem) by Bessie Luteyn <br> <br>REGULAR FEATURES <br>Editorially Speaking... <br>In/Out Basket by Carl Rosenberg <br>Jottings by Sylvia Friedman 1 false false true CA57051.htm [0xc00073b740 0xc0007b04b0] Ca}
Year Published:  2008
Pages:  40pp   Price:  $5.00/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

Three Cheers for Old Socialism by Duncan Cameron

The Votes of a Dual Citizen by Prof. Stephen Scheinberg

Communists, Jews, and Folk Music by Gary Cristall

Harper Gets a Failing Grade for Plagiarism and Poor Judgement by Stephen Scheinberg

Water as a Human Right: Not So Obvious as it Seems by David B. Brooks

A Fairy Tale by Uri Avnery

Nazi Memorabilia for Sale in the Okanagan by Elizabeth Morantz

Hannah Arendt on the Jewish Experience (Review/Essay) by Stephen Block

In Memory of Aharon Amr: Where Have You Been All These Years? by Elisha Porat

A Selection of Yiddish Poetry, Eliezer Shteynbarg - Selections and Introductory Comments by Al Stein

Reviews of the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival (Film Review) by Tony Wohlfarth and Ben-Z. Shek

Short Story, A Soft Heart by Yoysef Tunkel

Jewish Humanists Remembered, Meyer Schapiro (1904-1996) by Bennett Muraskin

The Continuing Relevance of Jewish Folklore by Rabbi Adam Chalom

"Abby's Birds" and "Latkes" (Book Review) by Dvoira Yanovsky

Good-Bye Marianne: A Story of Growing Up in Nazi Germany (Book Review) by Adrianne Fitch

The Story of Yiddish: How a Mish-Mosh of Languages Saved the Jews by Al Stein

Holy Land Mosaic: Stories of Cooperation and Coexistence Between Israelis and Palestinians (Book Review) by Yakov M. Rabkin

Heads Bowed in Sorrow for Gerry (Geraldine) Revzin

O Canada (Poem) by Bessie Luteyn

Editorially Speaking...
In/Out Basket by Carl Rosenberg
Jottings by Sylvia Friedman

Subject Headings

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