Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 45 No. 6 - Nov./Dec. 2007
Happy Chanukah to all our readers
Date Written: 2007-11-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {57037 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 45 No. 6 - Nov./Dec. 2007 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE - Volume 45 Number 6 Happy Chanukah to all our readers Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 2007-11-01 1963 2007 40pp $6.00/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) --
<br>Table of Contents:
<br>Flying Different Flags: Why Northern Ireland's Republicans and Loyalists Hoist Israeli and Palestinian Colours by Patrick Belton
<br>New Israel Fund at a Glance
<br>Lighting the Chanukah Candles - A Humanistic Ceremony by Abraham J. Arnold
<br>American Jewish Communists and a Search for a New Zion by Henry Srebrnik
<br>Leftist Jews in South America by Paul C. Mishler
<br>Why Israeli Anti-Zionists do not "recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist as a Jewish state" by Henry Lowi
<br>Jewish Humanists Remembered
<br>Maxime Rodinson by Bennett Muraskin
<br>My Experience in Yiddish Immersion by Deirdre (Davia) Brown
<br>A Selection of Yiddish Poetry
<br>Moishe Nadir - Selections and Introductory Comments by Al Stein
<br>Reviews of the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival by Tony Wohlfarth and Ben-Z. Shek
<br>Grandma's Big Night Out (Memoir) by Pearl Hoffman
<br>A Great Restlessness: The Life and Politics of Dorise Neilsen (Book Review) by Roland Penner
<br>A Glowing Dream: A Memoir (Book Review) by Roz Usiskin
<br>The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million (Book Review) by Dvoira Yanovsky
<br>Editorially Speaking...
<br>In/Out Basket by Carl Rosenberg 1 false false true CA57037.htm [0xc00059e390 0xc000613140] Ca}
Year Published: 2007
Pages: 40pp Price: $6.00/copy Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of Contents:
Flying Different Flags: Why Northern Ireland's Republicans and Loyalists Hoist Israeli and Palestinian Colours by Patrick Belton
New Israel Fund at a Glance
Lighting the Chanukah Candles - A Humanistic Ceremony by Abraham J. Arnold
American Jewish Communists and a Search for a New Zion by Henry Srebrnik
Leftist Jews in South America by Paul C. Mishler
Why Israeli Anti-Zionists do not "recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist as a Jewish state" by Henry Lowi
Jewish Humanists Remembered
Maxime Rodinson by Bennett Muraskin
My Experience in Yiddish Immersion by Deirdre (Davia) Brown
A Selection of Yiddish Poetry
Moishe Nadir - Selections and Introductory Comments by Al Stein
Reviews of the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival by Tony Wohlfarth and Ben-Z. Shek
Grandma's Big Night Out (Memoir) by Pearl Hoffman
A Great Restlessness: The Life and Politics of Dorise Neilsen (Book Review) by Roland Penner
A Glowing Dream: A Memoir (Book Review) by Roz Usiskin
The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million (Book Review) by Dvoira Yanovsky
Editorially Speaking...
In/Out Basket by Carl Rosenberg
Subject Headings