Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 45 No. 2 - Mar./Apr. 2007
International Womens Day - March 8 2007; Warsaw Ghetto Memorial Address
Date Written: 2007-03-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {57034 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine - Vol. 45 No. 2 - Mar./Apr. 2007 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE - Volume 45 Number 2 International Womens Day - March 8 2007; Warsaw Ghetto Memorial Address Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 2007-03-01 1963 2007 40pp $6.00/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) --
<br>Table of Contents:
<br>Jewish Poverty in Canada by Jill Newman
<br>Security Certificate vs. Justice: Life in Gitmo North by Diana Ralph
<br>Indeed There Is Apartheid in Israel by Shulamit Aloni
<br>Martyrdom, Resistance and the Politics of Memory by Dr. Benjamin Baader
<br>Jewish Humanists Remembered
<br>Janusz Korczack by Bennett Muraskin
<br>The Holocaust in Latin America by Illan Stavans
<br>The Unreported Jerusalem by Ronnee Jaeger
<br>Live Yiddish, Learn Yiddish at the University of Ottawa! by Rebecca Margolis
<br>A Selection of Yiddish Prose
<br>Rokhl Korn - Selections by Al Stein
<br>Honouring Bea Levis by Kim Levis and Ethel Meade
<br>Where are the Women in Yiddish Studies by Faith Jones
<br>The Tree of Life: A Trilogy of Life in the Lodz Ghetto. Book Three: The Cattle Cars are Waiting, 1942-1944 (Book Review) by Irena Kohn
<br>Arguing with the Storm: Stories by Yiddish Women Writers (Book Review) by Helen Mitz
<br>The Apple of her Eye (Short Story) by Malka Lee
<br>Alma Rose: Vienna to Auschwitz (Book Review) by Dvoira Yanovsky
<br>Editorially Speaking...
<br>In/Out Basket by Carl Rosenberg 1 false false true CA57034.htm [0xc00059e300 0xc0006130b0] Ca}
Year Published: 2007
Pages: 40pp Price: $6.00/copy Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of Contents:
Jewish Poverty in Canada by Jill Newman
Security Certificate vs. Justice: Life in Gitmo North by Diana Ralph
Indeed There Is Apartheid in Israel by Shulamit Aloni
Martyrdom, Resistance and the Politics of Memory by Dr. Benjamin Baader
Jewish Humanists Remembered
Janusz Korczack by Bennett Muraskin
The Holocaust in Latin America by Illan Stavans
The Unreported Jerusalem by Ronnee Jaeger
Live Yiddish, Learn Yiddish at the University of Ottawa! by Rebecca Margolis
A Selection of Yiddish Prose
Rokhl Korn - Selections by Al Stein
Honouring Bea Levis by Kim Levis and Ethel Meade
Where are the Women in Yiddish Studies by Faith Jones
The Tree of Life: A Trilogy of Life in the Lodz Ghetto. Book Three: The Cattle Cars are Waiting, 1942-1944 (Book Review) by Irena Kohn
Arguing with the Storm: Stories by Yiddish Women Writers (Book Review) by Helen Mitz
The Apple of her Eye (Short Story) by Malka Lee
Alma Rose: Vienna to Auschwitz (Book Review) by Dvoira Yanovsky
Editorially Speaking...
In/Out Basket by Carl Rosenberg
Subject Headings