Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July/August 1995
Special Book Review Issue

Date Written:  1995-07-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {57008 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July/August 1995 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1995-07/08 Special Book Review Issue Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1995-07-01 1963 1995 32pp $3.75/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>Editorially Speaking... <br> <br>Readers Write or Wrong <br> <br>CJC Faces Challenges by David Abramowitz <br> <br>Perhaps (Poem) by Binem Heller <br> <br>IQ, Race and Public Policy by Jack Basuk <br> <br>WWII (Cartoon) by Edward Sorel <br> <br>Slings and Arrows by Harry Rosenthal <br> <br>Justice for the Germans? by Mike Cass <br> <br>Elegy For A Carpet Boy (Poem) by Aaron Kramer <br> <br>Alternatives to the Martin Budget by Myron J. Gordon <br> <br>The Frustration of Arms Control and Disarmament by F.H Knelman, Ph.D. <br> <br>A True Word (Poem) by Morris Winchevsky <br> <br>The Bequest (Short Story) by Michael Book <br> <br>Gabriel's Palace; Elijah's Violin (Book Reviews) by Lynda Goldhar Smith <br> <br>Golden Windows (Book Review) by Alana Menges <br> <br>Personal Recollections; The Jewish Pioneer Past on the Praries, Jewish Life and Times Vol. VI (Book Review) by Sybil Shack <br> <br>Worker-Writer in America (Book Review) by Aaron Kramer <br> <br>Israel: Politics, Myths, and Identity Crises (Book Review) by Carl Rosenberg <br> <br>The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism (Book Review) by David Lethbridge <br> <br>A Price Below Rubies (Book Review) by Roz Usiskin <br> <br>The Pious Cat/Di Frume Kats (Short Story) by I.L Peretz <br> <br>Newscan Edited by Carl Rosenberg <br> <br>Dawn (Poem) <br> <br>Our Town is Burning: Cries from the Holocaust (Record Review) by Richard Rosenberg <br> <br>To the People (Poem) by Joseph Bovshover <br> <br>Books Received <br> <br>Jottings by Sylvia Friedman 1 false false true CA57008.htm [0xc00056df80 0xc000612d50] Ca}
Year Published:  1995
Pages:  32pp   Price:  $3.75/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

Editorially Speaking...

Readers Write or Wrong

CJC Faces Challenges by David Abramowitz

Perhaps (Poem) by Binem Heller

IQ, Race and Public Policy by Jack Basuk

WWII (Cartoon) by Edward Sorel

Slings and Arrows by Harry Rosenthal

Justice for the Germans? by Mike Cass

Elegy For A Carpet Boy (Poem) by Aaron Kramer

Alternatives to the Martin Budget by Myron J. Gordon

The Frustration of Arms Control and Disarmament by F.H Knelman, Ph.D.

A True Word (Poem) by Morris Winchevsky

The Bequest (Short Story) by Michael Book

Gabriel's Palace; Elijah's Violin (Book Reviews) by Lynda Goldhar Smith

Golden Windows (Book Review) by Alana Menges

Personal Recollections; The Jewish Pioneer Past on the Praries, Jewish Life and Times Vol. VI (Book Review) by Sybil Shack

Worker-Writer in America (Book Review) by Aaron Kramer

Israel: Politics, Myths, and Identity Crises (Book Review) by Carl Rosenberg

The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism (Book Review) by David Lethbridge

A Price Below Rubies (Book Review) by Roz Usiskin

The Pious Cat/Di Frume Kats (Short Story) by I.L Peretz

Newscan Edited by Carl Rosenberg

Dawn (Poem)

Our Town is Burning: Cries from the Holocaust (Record Review) by Richard Rosenberg

To the People (Poem) by Joseph Bovshover

Books Received

Jottings by Sylvia Friedman

Subject Headings

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