Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine December 1993

Date Written:  1993-12-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56994 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine December 1993 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1993-12 Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1993-12-01 1963 1993 32pp $3.00/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>Editorially Speaking... <br> <br>Readers Write or Wrong <br> <br>Dark of the Sun, Dark of the Soul by Arthur Waskow <br> <br>December 27, 1992 (Poem) by Hilda Feiner <br> <br>The French Republic and the Holocaust by Richard Greeman <br> <br>Wanted: A Lobby by Mike Cass <br> <br>Slings and Arrows by Henry Rosenthal <br> <br>Race Relations and Human Rights in Guyana by Abraham Arnold <br> <br>Children's Rights to Physical Integrity by James Lindfield <br> <br>Reversal of the Arguments by Meron Benvenisti <br> <br>Prague's Jewish Quarter by Vince Beiser <br> <br>In a Quiet Moment (Poem) by Cathy Berson <br> <br>Feting a Montreal Institution by Shirley Sama <br> <br>Muriel Rukseyer Reads at Downling College (Oct. 11, 1976) by Aaron Kramer <br> <br>The Scoop Reminiscence by Dan Daniels <br> <br>What a Day! What a Day (Vignette) by Fred Navey <br> <br>Poems by Jack Winter <br> <br>Newscan Edited by Carl Eosenburg <br> <br>Family Tree (Poem) by Ray Shankman <br> <br>Voltaire's Bastards (Book Review) by John Gort <br> <br>The new left, the Jews and the Vietnam War (Book Review) by Leon Gettler <br> <br>Today is not like Yesterday (Book Review) by Bernardo Berdichewsky <br> <br>The Meshugenner (Poem) by Ray Shankman 1 false false true CA56994.htm [0xc00056dd10 0xc000612ae0] Ca}
Year Published:  1993
Pages:  32pp   Price:  $3.00/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

Editorially Speaking...

Readers Write or Wrong

Dark of the Sun, Dark of the Soul by Arthur Waskow

December 27, 1992 (Poem) by Hilda Feiner

The French Republic and the Holocaust by Richard Greeman

Wanted: A Lobby by Mike Cass

Slings and Arrows by Henry Rosenthal

Race Relations and Human Rights in Guyana by Abraham Arnold

Children's Rights to Physical Integrity by James Lindfield

Reversal of the Arguments by Meron Benvenisti

Prague's Jewish Quarter by Vince Beiser

In a Quiet Moment (Poem) by Cathy Berson

Feting a Montreal Institution by Shirley Sama

Muriel Rukseyer Reads at Downling College (Oct. 11, 1976) by Aaron Kramer

The Scoop Reminiscence by Dan Daniels

What a Day! What a Day (Vignette) by Fred Navey

Poems by Jack Winter

Newscan Edited by Carl Eosenburg

Family Tree (Poem) by Ray Shankman

Voltaire's Bastards (Book Review) by John Gort

The new left, the Jews and the Vietnam War (Book Review) by Leon Gettler

Today is not like Yesterday (Book Review) by Bernardo Berdichewsky

The Meshugenner (Poem) by Ray Shankman

Subject Headings

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