Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine April/May 1993
50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Date Written: 1993-04-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {56989 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine April/May 1993 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1993-04/05 50th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1993-04-01 1963 1993 32pp $3.00/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) --
<br>Table of Contents:
<br>Editorially Speaking
<br>Plight of Humanity (Poem) by Fred Harris
<br>Defiance in the Ghetto by Primo Levi
<br>Holocaust Haggadah
<br>What Grandmother Taught by Toby Flam
<br>Hitler is Dead, but... by Marion Andre
<br>Striking Toronto Garment Workers in 1919 by Ruth Frager
<br>Slings and Arrows by Henry Rosenthal
<br>Bruno Schultz: Transmuting the Commonplace by Tecia Webowski
<br>Ancient Jewish Philosophy of Education by Sandra M. Pulver
<br>Out of Egypt (Poem) by David Edelshtat
<br>A Premature Passover (Short Story) by Sholem Aleichman
<br>Passover in Calcutta by Cathy Berson
<br>A Feminist Seder by Michelle Landberg
<br>Ode to Matza Brei (Poem) by Shelley Posen
<br>Newscan edited by Carl Rosenburg
<br>The Ghetto Fights: Warsaw 1941-43 (Book Review) by Lukin Robinson
<br>Zealots for Zion (Book Review) by Norman Epstein
<br>The Responsibility of the Intellectuals (Book Review) by Ken Morrison
<br>The Lovers Prevailed (Poem) by Shula Robin
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Year Published: 1993
Pages: 32pp Price: $3.00/copy Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of Contents:
Editorially Speaking
Plight of Humanity (Poem) by Fred Harris
Defiance in the Ghetto by Primo Levi
Holocaust Haggadah
What Grandmother Taught by Toby Flam
Hitler is Dead, but... by Marion Andre
Striking Toronto Garment Workers in 1919 by Ruth Frager
Slings and Arrows by Henry Rosenthal
Bruno Schultz: Transmuting the Commonplace by Tecia Webowski
Ancient Jewish Philosophy of Education by Sandra M. Pulver
Out of Egypt (Poem) by David Edelshtat
A Premature Passover (Short Story) by Sholem Aleichman
Passover in Calcutta by Cathy Berson
A Feminist Seder by Michelle Landberg
Ode to Matza Brei (Poem) by Shelley Posen
Newscan edited by Carl Rosenburg
The Ghetto Fights: Warsaw 1941-43 (Book Review) by Lukin Robinson
Zealots for Zion (Book Review) by Norman Epstein
The Responsibility of the Intellectuals (Book Review) by Ken Morrison
The Lovers Prevailed (Poem) by Shula Robin
Readers Write or Wrong
Subject Headings