Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July / August 1989
Commemorating Hiroshima Day Bread Not Death
Date Written: 1989-07-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {56876 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine July / August 1989 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1989-07/08 Commemorating Hiroshima Day Bread Not Death Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1989-07-01 1963 1989 24pp $2.25/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) --
<br>Table of Contents:
<br>editorially speaking
<br>jottings by sylvia friedman
<br>election results in birobidzhan by sid resnick
<br>central asian jews emerging from the shadows by npa
<br>nuclear weapons free zone by f h knelman
<br>will the real shimon perez stand up by norman massey
<br>can russian jews claim to be german by mike cas
<br>in out basket by henry rosenthal
<br>i believe poem by sam carr
<br>a meeting with kazimierz brandys by michael webowski
<br>commemorating soviet jewish writers
<br>august 12 1952 poem by yosl kerler
<br>in each yiddish word poem by david hofstein
<br>in the last glimmer poem by peretz markish
<br>first assignment short story by fred narvey
<br>ms matters by s cathy berson
<br>shopping in florida poem by cary fagan
<br>an attempt at humor in the midst of turmoil poem by harold bates
<br>hope and despair in israel by joseph lipski
<br>a century of yiddish poetry book review by rita l rosenfeld
<br>second opinion book review by sam sheps
<br>dreams of the child by mordechai briembrug
<br>stone and onion song by mustapha al kurd
<br>nostalgia poem by dan almagor
<br>resistance to the nazis 1933 1945 by sarina corsi 1 false false true CA56876.htm [0xc00056d5c0 0xc000612390] Ca}
Year Published: 1989
Pages: 24pp Price: $2.25/copy Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of Contents:
editorially speaking
jottings by sylvia friedman
election results in birobidzhan by sid resnick
central asian jews emerging from the shadows by npa
nuclear weapons free zone by f h knelman
will the real shimon perez stand up by norman massey
can russian jews claim to be german by mike cas
in out basket by henry rosenthal
i believe poem by sam carr
a meeting with kazimierz brandys by michael webowski
commemorating soviet jewish writers
august 12 1952 poem by yosl kerler
in each yiddish word poem by david hofstein
in the last glimmer poem by peretz markish
first assignment short story by fred narvey
ms matters by s cathy berson
shopping in florida poem by cary fagan
an attempt at humor in the midst of turmoil poem by harold bates
hope and despair in israel by joseph lipski
a century of yiddish poetry book review by rita l rosenfeld
second opinion book review by sam sheps
dreams of the child by mordechai briembrug
stone and onion song by mustapha al kurd
nostalgia poem by dan almagor
resistance to the nazis 1933 1945 by sarina corsi
Subject Headings