Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine January 1989

Date Written:  1989-01-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56870 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine January 1989 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1989-01 Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1989-01-01 1963 1989 24pp $2.25/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>readers write or wrong <br> <br>editorially speaking <br> <br>jottings by sylvia friedman <br> <br>the november federal election by philip resnick <br> <br>we don't forget by salmon j salzman <br> <br>israel the dream the nightmare or the vision by sir yehudi menuhin <br> <br>in out basket by henry rosenthal <br> <br>claude lanzmann a personal profile by tecia werbowski <br> <br>three roses poem by avrom sutzkever <br> <br>newscan <br> <br>jewish literature in ukraine by grigorly polynaker <br> <br>perestroika new thinking for our country and the world book review by koozma j tarasoff <br> <br>on power and ideology the iran contra connection secret teams and covert operations in the raegan era book review by carl ridd <br> <br>free trade and social policy book review by michael goldberg <br> <br>the 12th knesset by joseph lipski <br> <br>die vatch short story by esther kershman muhlstock <br> <br>our nuclear age by f.h. knelman <br> <br>the jennifer affair by mike cass <br> <br>1988 outlook index volume 26 1 false false true CA56870.htm [0xc00056d4a0 0xc000612270] Ca}
Year Published:  1989
Pages:  24pp   Price:  $2.25/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

readers write or wrong

editorially speaking

jottings by sylvia friedman

the november federal election by philip resnick

we don't forget by salmon j salzman

israel the dream the nightmare or the vision by sir yehudi menuhin

in out basket by henry rosenthal

claude lanzmann a personal profile by tecia werbowski

three roses poem by avrom sutzkever


jewish literature in ukraine by grigorly polynaker

perestroika new thinking for our country and the world book review by koozma j tarasoff

on power and ideology the iran contra connection secret teams and covert operations in the raegan era book review by carl ridd

free trade and social policy book review by michael goldberg

the 12th knesset by joseph lipski

die vatch short story by esther kershman muhlstock

our nuclear age by f.h. knelman

the jennifer affair by mike cass

1988 outlook index volume 26

Subject Headings

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