Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine November - December 1988
We Proudly Present The Canadian Jewish Outlook Anthology
Date Written: 1988-11-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {56869 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine November - December 1988 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1988-11/12 We Proudly Present The Canadian Jewish Outlook Anthology Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1988-11-01 1963 1988 24pp $2.25/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) --
<br>Table of Contents:
<br>readers write or wrong
<br>editorially speaking
<br>jottings by sylvia friedman
<br>no deal is a good deal by ed shaffer
<br>50 years in kristallnacht a film searching for jewing roots in east berlin by charles dukes
<br>a jewish problem in montreal by asher neudorfer
<br>a visit to prague by michael webowski
<br>in out basket by henry rosenthal
<br>the hustings poem by mona elaine adilman
<br>war criminals in canada by dan ross
<br>icelandic women inspire by elizabeth amer
<br>ngo conference report by norman epstein
<br>to take revenge on bugs by b michael
<br>jewish book month nov 4 - dec 4
<br>the bloody farce digest of novel by sholem aleichem
<br>the altruistic personality, rescuers of jews in nazi europe book review by ken morisson
<br>strangers in their own land young jews in germany and austria today and born guilty children of nazi families book review by henry flam
<br>fighting faiths the abrams case the supreme court and free speech book review by rita rosenfeld
<br>old age poem by philip resnick
<br>chanukah feature
<br>festival of lights by flavius josephus
<br>a modern interpretation by clyde hertzman
<br>our nuclear age by f.h. knelman
<br>the bar mitzvah boy and intifada by neil caplan
<br>humanist conference in brussle by arleen and soli jackson
<br>minorities in soviet lithuania by sid resnick 1 false false true CA56869.htm [0xc00056d470 0xc000612240] Ca}
Year Published: 1988
Pages: 24pp Price: $2.25/copy Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of Contents:
readers write or wrong
editorially speaking
jottings by sylvia friedman
no deal is a good deal by ed shaffer
50 years in kristallnacht a film searching for jewing roots in east berlin by charles dukes
a jewish problem in montreal by asher neudorfer
a visit to prague by michael webowski
in out basket by henry rosenthal
the hustings poem by mona elaine adilman
war criminals in canada by dan ross
icelandic women inspire by elizabeth amer
ngo conference report by norman epstein
to take revenge on bugs by b michael
jewish book month nov 4 - dec 4
the bloody farce digest of novel by sholem aleichem
the altruistic personality, rescuers of jews in nazi europe book review by ken morisson
strangers in their own land young jews in germany and austria today and born guilty children of nazi families book review by henry flam
fighting faiths the abrams case the supreme court and free speech book review by rita rosenfeld
old age poem by philip resnick
chanukah feature
festival of lights by flavius josephus
a modern interpretation by clyde hertzman
our nuclear age by f.h. knelman
the bar mitzvah boy and intifada by neil caplan
humanist conference in brussle by arleen and soli jackson
minorities in soviet lithuania by sid resnick
Subject Headings