Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine October 1988
Protect Our Environment
Date Written: 1988-10-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {56838 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine October 1988 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1988-10 Protect Our Environment Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1988-10-01 1963 1988 24pp $2.25/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) --
<br>Table of Contents:
<br>readers write or wrong
<br>editorially speaking
<br>jotting by sylvia friedman
<br>confessions on the day of atonement by reuben slonim
<br>the united church report by abraham arnold
<br>postscript to rheinhausen by mike cass
<br>in out basket by henry rosenthal
<br>passages of pelion poem by philip resnick
<br>the age of women poem by mona elaine adilman
<br>canada in the european age book review by ken dennis
<br>soviet military power bookn review by martin zellig
<br>the scret life of saeed the pessoptimist book review by mordecai briemberg
<br>arabesques book review by mordecai briemberg
<br>mount royal de montens or fletchess fild memoir by dovid kunigis
<br>the last temptation of christ movie review by abraham arnold
<br>israel's response to intifada by joseph lipski
<br>UJPO issues policy statement
<br>our nuclear age by f.h. knelman
<br>studying arabic interview by shloime perel
<br>second anniversary of vanunu kidnapping 1 false false true CA56838.htm [0xc00056d440 0xc000612210] Ca}
Year Published: 1988
Pages: 24pp Price: $2.25/copy Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of Contents:
readers write or wrong
editorially speaking
jotting by sylvia friedman
confessions on the day of atonement by reuben slonim
the united church report by abraham arnold
postscript to rheinhausen by mike cass
in out basket by henry rosenthal
passages of pelion poem by philip resnick
the age of women poem by mona elaine adilman
canada in the european age book review by ken dennis
soviet military power bookn review by martin zellig
the scret life of saeed the pessoptimist book review by mordecai briemberg
arabesques book review by mordecai briemberg
mount royal de montens or fletchess fild memoir by dovid kunigis
the last temptation of christ movie review by abraham arnold
israel's response to intifada by joseph lipski
UJPO issues policy statement
our nuclear age by f.h. knelman
studying arabic interview by shloime perel
second anniversary of vanunu kidnapping
Subject Headings