Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine September 1988
Rosh Hashonah

Date Written:  1988-09-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56837 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine September 1988 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1988-09 Rosh Hashonah Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1988-09-01 1963 1988 32pp $2.25/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>readers write or wrong <br> <br>editorially speaking <br> <br>jottings by sylvia friedman <br> <br>thouhgts on rosh hashonah by hersh rabinovitch <br> <br>poles, jews and palestinians by david julian ost <br> <br>in out basket by henry rosenthal <br> <br>our history tells us by abraham arnold <br> <br>those who pass between fleeting words poem by mahmoud darwish <br> <br>mutual tragedy awaits both peoples by leo panitch <br> <br>the state of israel vs. nissan ishgoyev by eyal ehrlich <br> <br>on yiddish by ben z. shek <br> <br>my friend gershman by karen levine <br> <br>jewish culture in soviet estonia by sid resnick <br> <br>our nuclear age by f.h. knelman <br> <br>the democratic national convention by rita rosenfeld <br> <br>the late unlamented werner nachmann by mike cass <br> <br>running on empty alberta after the boom , restraining the economy, social credit economic policy for b.c. in the 80s, after bennett, a new politics for bc book review by jim silver <br> <br>fanny osipov 1900 - 1988 <br> <br>newscan 1 false false true CA56837.htm [0xc00056d410 0xc0006121e0] Ca}
Year Published:  1988
Pages:  32pp   Price:  $2.25/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

readers write or wrong

editorially speaking

jottings by sylvia friedman

thouhgts on rosh hashonah by hersh rabinovitch

poles, jews and palestinians by david julian ost

in out basket by henry rosenthal

our history tells us by abraham arnold

those who pass between fleeting words poem by mahmoud darwish

mutual tragedy awaits both peoples by leo panitch

the state of israel vs. nissan ishgoyev by eyal ehrlich

on yiddish by ben z. shek

my friend gershman by karen levine

jewish culture in soviet estonia by sid resnick

our nuclear age by f.h. knelman

the democratic national convention by rita rosenfeld

the late unlamented werner nachmann by mike cass

running on empty alberta after the boom , restraining the economy, social credit economic policy for b.c. in the 80s, after bennett, a new politics for bc book review by jim silver

fanny osipov 1900 - 1988


Subject Headings

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