Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine April 1988
Commemoration Of The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Date Written:  1988-04-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56833 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine April 1988 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1988-04 Commemoration Of The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1988-04-01 1963 1988 24pp $2.25/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>jottings by sylvia friedman <br> <br>editorially speaking <br> <br>reflections on black monday by morris miller <br> <br>my grandfather abram, cantonist by sybil shack <br> <br>highlights of film art II winds of change by ben z. shek <br> <br>in out basket by henry rosenthal <br> <br>a short lived victory by rita chudnovsky <br> <br>soviet yiddish renaissance by sid resnick <br> <br>in commemoration of the warsaw ghetto uprising , april 19 1943 <br> <br>commitment to the dead book review by lionel steiman <br> <br>a child of hitler book review by lionel steiman <br> <br>the train poem by yuri suhl <br> <br>messenger poem by peter goblen <br> <br>to kill a rabbi book review by abraham arnold <br> <br>the new situation in the occupied territory by josph lipski <br> <br>our nuclear age a short essay on risk by f.h. knelman ph.d. <br> <br>festival of liberation poem by abraham arnold <br> <br>haggadas for our time by jesse vorst <br> <br>newscan <br> <br>our readers write or wrong 1 false false true CA56833.htm [0xc00056d350 0xc000612120] Ca}
Year Published:  1988
Pages:  24pp   Price:  $2.25/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

jottings by sylvia friedman

editorially speaking

reflections on black monday by morris miller

my grandfather abram, cantonist by sybil shack

highlights of film art II winds of change by ben z. shek

in out basket by henry rosenthal

a short lived victory by rita chudnovsky

soviet yiddish renaissance by sid resnick

in commemoration of the warsaw ghetto uprising , april 19 1943

commitment to the dead book review by lionel steiman

a child of hitler book review by lionel steiman

the train poem by yuri suhl

messenger poem by peter goblen

to kill a rabbi book review by abraham arnold

the new situation in the occupied territory by josph lipski

our nuclear age a short essay on risk by f.h. knelman ph.d.

festival of liberation poem by abraham arnold

haggadas for our time by jesse vorst


our readers write or wrong

Subject Headings

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