Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine January - February 1988

Date Written:  1988-01-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56831 Outlook Canada's Progressive Jewish Magazine January - February 1988 OUTLOOK CANADA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWISH MAGAZINE 1988-01/02 Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1988-01-01 1963 1988 28pp $2.25/copy PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -- <br> <br>Table of Contents: <br> <br>jottings by sylvia freidman <br> <br>editorially speaking <br> <br>IJPO statement by paul zilsel <br> <br>mulroney's free trade by sid shnlad <br> <br>the tory touch poem by philip renick <br> <br>gorachev and "the new thinking" by david eaglestein <br> <br>last farewell to max dolgoy by muni taub <br> <br>in out basket <br> <br>canadain jewish history by abraham arnold <br> <br>sovetish heymland vs. birobidzhaner shtern by sid resnick <br> <br>mordechai vanunu traitor or hero by mordecai briemberg <br> <br>our nuclear age by f.h. knelman <br> <br>a man named joe short story by fred narvey <br> <br>consciousness and world war II film review by shloime perel <br> <br>film poem 9 poem by shloime perel <br> <br>jacob two two and the dinosaur book review by rita chudnovsky <br> <br>can it happen again book review by mike cass <br> <br>on the lighter side <br> <br>newscan <br> <br>our readers write or wrong <br> <br>index 1 false false true CA56831.htm [0xc0004116b0 0xc00046a420] Ca}
Year Published:  1988
Pages:  28pp   Price:  $2.25/copy   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of Contents:

jottings by sylvia freidman

editorially speaking

IJPO statement by paul zilsel

mulroney's free trade by sid shnlad

the tory touch poem by philip renick

gorachev and "the new thinking" by david eaglestein

last farewell to max dolgoy by muni taub

in out basket

canadain jewish history by abraham arnold

sovetish heymland vs. birobidzhaner shtern by sid resnick

mordechai vanunu traitor or hero by mordecai briemberg

our nuclear age by f.h. knelman

a man named joe short story by fred narvey

consciousness and world war II film review by shloime perel

film poem 9 poem by shloime perel

jacob two two and the dinosaur book review by rita chudnovsky

can it happen again book review by mike cass

on the lighter side


our readers write or wrong


Subject Headings

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