Canadian Jewish Outlook April 1986
Canada's progressive Jewish magazine

Date Written:  1986-04-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56647 Canadian Jewish Outlook April 1986 CANADIAN JEWISH OUTLOOK 1986-04 Canada's progressive Jewish magazine Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1986-04-01 1963 1986 24pp PER Serial Publication (Periodical) - <br> <br>Table of contents <br> <br>our readers write <br> <br>editorially speaking <br> <br>israel in crisis (report) by jean a. shek <br> <br>a cold nazi trail: the deschenes commission by muni taub <br> <br>we go on living (poem) by rajzel zychlinska <br> <br>countdown for apartheid by zayed gamiet <br> <br>apocrypha (poem) by rita rosenfeld <br> <br>the in-out basket by henry rosenthal <br> <br>'scandalize my name' (radio review) by margaret d. ennenberg <br> <br>anne frank post script by mike cass <br> <br>'the precious legacy' (exhibit review) by riva dolgoy <br> <br>two stones (poems) by rajzel zychlinska <br> <br>righteous gentiles by leon n. hurvitz <br> <br>pesach is here! exodus by berl katznelson. bitter herbs (poem) by philip resnick <br> <br>super jew by bessie luteyn <br> <br>history of secularism by morris j. granite <br> <br>is peace only a dream? by joseph lipski <br> <br>newscan <br> <br>reagan, god, and the bomb (book review) by gary marchant 1 false false true CA56647.htm [0xc00050af60 0xc00057ddd0] Ca}
Year Published:  1986
Pages:  24pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of contents

our readers write

editorially speaking

israel in crisis (report) by jean a. shek

a cold nazi trail: the deschenes commission by muni taub

we go on living (poem) by rajzel zychlinska

countdown for apartheid by zayed gamiet

apocrypha (poem) by rita rosenfeld

the in-out basket by henry rosenthal

'scandalize my name' (radio review) by margaret d. ennenberg

anne frank post script by mike cass

'the precious legacy' (exhibit review) by riva dolgoy

two stones (poems) by rajzel zychlinska

righteous gentiles by leon n. hurvitz

pesach is here! exodus by berl katznelson. bitter herbs (poem) by philip resnick

super jew by bessie luteyn

history of secularism by morris j. granite

is peace only a dream? by joseph lipski


reagan, god, and the bomb (book review) by gary marchant

Subject Headings

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