Canadian Jewish Outlook October - November 1985
Canada's progressive Jewish magazine
Date Written: 1985-10-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {56644 Canadian Jewish Outlook October - November 1985 CANADIAN JEWISH OUTLOOK 1985-10/11 Canada's progressive Jewish magazine Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1985-10-01 1963 1985 20pp PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -
<br>Table of contents
<br>our readers write
<br>editorially speaking
<br>facing the new year 5746 by joseph lipski
<br>mulroney's first year by rita rosenfeld
<br>secularism: enormous possibilities by muni taub
<br>autonomy talk by peretz kidron
<br>the in-out basket by henry rosenthal
<br>alexander lipschutz: his vision for indian self determination by bernardo berdichewsky
<br>jacobs gens - collaboator or hero? by mike cass
<br>the bequest and other stories (book review) by rivka freedman
<br>nicaragua: 'it's our revolution' by david chudnovsky
<br>succoth in luxembourg by beatrice madger
<br>to my son on his turning 13 hate trials (poem) by philip resnick
<br>the athlete (short story) by fred narvey
<br>a case of anti-semitism by henry srebrnik
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Year Published: 1985
Pages: 20pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of contents
our readers write
editorially speaking
facing the new year 5746 by joseph lipski
mulroney's first year by rita rosenfeld
secularism: enormous possibilities by muni taub
autonomy talk by peretz kidron
the in-out basket by henry rosenthal
alexander lipschutz: his vision for indian self determination by bernardo berdichewsky
jacobs gens - collaboator or hero? by mike cass
the bequest and other stories (book review) by rivka freedman
nicaragua: 'it's our revolution' by david chudnovsky
succoth in luxembourg by beatrice madger
to my son on his turning 13 hate trials (poem) by philip resnick
the athlete (short story) by fred narvey
a case of anti-semitism by henry srebrnik
outlook outpage
Subject Headings