Canadian Jewish Outlook December 1983
Canada's only progressive monthly Anglo-Jewish magazine

Date Written:  1983-12-01
Publisher:  Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published:  {56634 Canadian Jewish Outlook December 1983 CANADIAN JEWISH OUTLOOK 1983-12 Canada's only progressive monthly Anglo-Jewish magazine Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1983-12-01 1963 1983 19pp PER Serial Publication (Periodical) - <br> <br>Table of contents <br> <br>Our readers write <br> <br>Editorially speaking <br> <br>Is Germany again slipping into role of outcast by Mike Cass <br> <br>The Lebanon puzzle by an observer <br> <br>Neo-nazis at work by Enoch Michael <br> <br>Beyond the barbed wire (book review) by Margaret Laurence <br> <br>Brampton, camp nalvelt by Saul Shek <br> <br>Grenada: the death of democracy interview with Susan Mitchell and Harvey Totten by Henry Rosenthal <br> <br>Grenada October 25th, 1983 (poem) by Dionne Brand <br> <br>The controversy over Nicaragua's Jews update <br> <br>Ujpo National convention by Harold Benson <br> <br>Shivah (part 1) (short story) by Ida David <br> <br>Newscan <br> <br>Outlook outpage 1 false false true CA56634.htm [0xc00050acf0 0xc000557aa0] Ca}
Year Published:  1983
Pages:  19pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Table of contents

Our readers write

Editorially speaking

Is Germany again slipping into role of outcast by Mike Cass

The Lebanon puzzle by an observer

Neo-nazis at work by Enoch Michael

Beyond the barbed wire (book review) by Margaret Laurence

Brampton, camp nalvelt by Saul Shek

Grenada: the death of democracy interview with Susan Mitchell and Harvey Totten by Henry Rosenthal

Grenada October 25th, 1983 (poem) by Dionne Brand

The controversy over Nicaragua's Jews update

Ujpo National convention by Harold Benson

Shivah (part 1) (short story) by Ida David


Outlook outpage

Subject Headings

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