Canadian Jewish Outlook November 1983
Canada's only progressive monthly Anglo-Jewish magazine
Date Written: 1983-11-01
Publisher: Canadian Jewish Outlook Society
Year First Published: {56633 Canadian Jewish Outlook November 1983 CANADIAN JEWISH OUTLOOK 1983-11 Canada's only progressive monthly Anglo-Jewish magazine Canadian Jewish Outlook Society 1983-11-01 1963 1983 19pp PER Serial Publication (Periodical) -
<br>Table of contents
<br>Our readers write
<br>Editorially speaking
<br>German Jew - member of China's congress by Ulrich Wickert
<br>Mike Usiskin's edenbridge odyssey (book review) by Evelyn Shapiro
<br>We're all in this together - or are we? by Sid Shniad
<br>The words of a fanatic vs. the voice of reason by mr."c" and Boas Evron
<br>The eternal light (poem for chanukah) by Moshe Davis and Victor Ratner
<br>Chanukah festival in London's white chapel (memoir) by A.B. Levy
<br>B.C.: The struggle continues by David Chudnovsky and Rita Chudnovsky
<br>If you love this planet by Jack Cowan
<br>Tribute to Joe Zukan by Abraham J. Arnold
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Year Published: 1983
Pages: 19pp Resource Type: Serial Publication (Periodical)
Table of contents
Our readers write
Editorially speaking
German Jew - member of China's congress by Ulrich Wickert
Mike Usiskin's edenbridge odyssey (book review) by Evelyn Shapiro
We're all in this together - or are we? by Sid Shniad
The words of a fanatic vs. the voice of reason by mr."c" and Boas Evron
The eternal light (poem for chanukah) by Moshe Davis and Victor Ratner
Chanukah festival in London's white chapel (memoir) by A.B. Levy
B.C.: The struggle continues by David Chudnovsky and Rita Chudnovsky
If you love this planet by Jack Cowan
Tribute to Joe Zukan by Abraham J. Arnold
Outlook outpage
Subject Headings