Exploitation or Aid?
US-Braxil Economic Relations: A Case Study of American Imperialism
Frank, Andre Gunder
Date Written: 1963-11-16
Publisher: The Nation / Radical Education Project
Year First Published: {55681 Exploitation or Aid? EXPLOITATION OR AID US-Braxil Economic Relations: A Case Study of American Imperialism Frank, Andre Gunder The Nation / Radical Education Project Does American aid and investment contribute much or little to, or even hinder, Latin American economic development? 1963-11-16 1963 6pp BC55681w-ExploitationOrAid.jpg PMP Pamphlet 1 false false true CA55681.htm [] Ca}
Year Published: 1963
Pages: 6pp Resource Type: Pamphlet
Does American aid and investment contribute much or little to, or even hinder, Latin American economic development?