Childbirth by choice / Choisir de donner naissance
Revised edition / edition revisee

Publisher:  Canadian Abortion Rights Action League
Year First Published:  {55666 Childbirth by choice / Choisir de donner naissance CHILDBIRTH BY CHOICE CHOISIR DE DONNER NAISSANCE Revised edition / edition revisee Canadian Abortion Rights Action League Childbirth by choice, according to this pamphlet, means freedom of choice in planning one's family. It means a woman should not be pressured to bear a child against her will. It means a woman should not be pressured to hae an abortion against her will. CARAL believes that women shold have the freedom to choose whether or not to continue an unplanned, undesired pregnancy. 1981 BC5566w-ChildbirthbyChoice.jpg ART Article 1 false false true CA55666.htm [0xc0021ae4b0] Ca}
Year Published:  1981
Resource Type:  Article

Childbirth by choice, according to this pamphlet, means freedom of choice in planning one's family. It means a woman should not be pressured to bear a child against her will. It means a woman should not be pressured to hae an abortion against her will. CARAL believes that women shold have the freedom to choose whether or not to continue an unplanned, undesired pregnancy.

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