Killing Bill O'Reilly
The disgraced broadcaster's distortions of history

Stevenson, Mathew
Publisher:  Harper's Magazine
Year Published:  2017
Resource Type:  Article

A look at the biased, idealized and error-riddled historical accounts espoused by American broadcaster Bill O'Reilly. Despite the former broadcaster's distortions of history and recent public disgrace his books still remain popular among Americans.



Now O'Reilly - or at least his career at Fox - is history, too. As allegations of sexual harassment piled up and advertisers fled, the Murdoch family (the owners of Fox) decided that he had to go - though not without a severance payout that could be as high as $25 million. Less attention has been paid to the news that Henry Holt, O'Reilly's publisher, will continue to bring out his books: "Our plans have not changed," said a spokesman. O'Reilly may be finished as a shock jock, but we are left to contemplate the shameful fact that this disgraced propagandist is the most widely read historian in America.
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