World Council of Churches Library & Archives
http://www.oikoumene.org/what-we-do/wcc-archives-and-libraryPublisher: World Council of Churches Resource Type: Organization The WCC Archives, housed at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, preserves the records of the World Council of Churches as well as of various other ecumenical organizations or movements and of personal papers of ecumenical personalities. The collection contains paper documents, photographs, sound tapes, films and videos, representing some 2,000 running meters. The WCC Library, housed at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, holds about 100,000 volumes and 900 periodicals, constituting a unique collection on ecumenism and the history of the ecumenical movement, as well as further collections in areas such as biblical hermeneutics, social ethics, missiology, contextual theology, and interfaith dialogue. Subject Headings |