The Peasants of Central Russia

Dunn, Stephen P.; Dunn, Ethel
Date Written:  1967-01-01
Publisher:  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, USA
Year Published:  1967
Pages:  139pp   Resource Type:  Book

An ethnographic description of central aspects of Russian peasant life based upon secondary sources in Russian written by Soviet ethnographers.


Table of Contents:

Editors' foreword


1. Geography and history
Prehistoric and early historic times
Land tenure and social organization before the reforms of 1861
The emancipation and its impact
Peasant customary law and legislation before and during the Stolypin land reforms
From revolution to collectivization
Land and agriculture
Animal husbandry
Nonagricultural wage labor and crafts
Socioeconomic structure
Values, religion, folkways
Mass collectivization and its impact
Historical summary

2. Kolkhoz, village, and family as social units
Kolkhoz and village
Organization of the kolkhoz
Work in the public sector
The contemporary settlement pattern
The family as social unit
The public versus the private economy
The standard of living: The role of the family and the level of consumer services
Household goods
Housing construction and maintenance
Cultural services and entertainment
Consumer services
Child care
Wages and social security
Internal structure of the family
Fictitious divisions; Extension of kin ties beyond nuclear family
Social control: The family as mediator

3. Education and social mobility
Social mobility in the peasant context
Educational opportunity in the countryside
Social mobility
Modern otkhodnichestvo
Contemporary population movement
Recruitment of leading personnel
The position of women
Social mobility: Summary

4. The folk institutions
Life-crisis ceremonial
Summary: Survival and reintegration

5. Material culture and its social correlates
Folk art
Agricultural technology, tools, and equipment
Summary: Folk traditions and the spread of urban tastes

6. Summary and conclusions


Subject Headings

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