A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Eastern North America
Peterson Field Guide

Klots, Alexander
Publisher:  Sponsored by the National Audobon Society
Year First Published:  {34850 A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Eastern North America FIELD GUIDE TO THE BUTTERFLIES OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA Peterson Field Guide Klots, Alexander Sponsored by the National Audobon Society Detailed description of every butterfly species found east of the Great Plains, from Greenland to Mexico. Each description gives common and scientific names, habits, range, food plants, habitat, subspecies. 1951 1979 350pp B Book 0-395-25859-6 1 false false true CA34850.htm [0xc001d4ddd0 0xc000389b60 0xc000f01380 0xc002037200] Ca}
Year Published:  1979
Pages:  350pp   ISBN:  0-395-25859-6
Resource Type:  Book

Detailed description of every butterfly species found east of the Great Plains, from Greenland to Mexico. Each description gives common and scientific names, habits, range, food plants, habitat, subspecies.

Subject Headings

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