![]() The State in Global Perspective
Kazancigil, Ali; (Ed.)
Publisher: Gower Publishing Co., Brookfield, USAYear Published: 1986 Pages: 300pp ISBN: 0-566-05160-5 Library of Congress Number: JC325.K39 1986 Dewey: 306'.2 JA76 Resource Type: Book The expansion of the modern state is a central phenomenon of our time. A dominating force, as well as a guardian of society, it elecits contradictory feelings of repulsion and attraction. Fourteen scholars have contributed to this volume of essasy on the political, social, cultural and economic processes of the state. Abstract: - Table of Contents Notes on Contributors Introduction Aki Kazancigil PART 1 Origins and formation 1 Processes of state formation Maurice Godelier 2 Comparative analysis of the state in historical contexts S.N. Eisenstadt 3 State formation in early India Romila Thapar 4 Strategic interactions and the formation of modern states: France and England Aristide R. Zolberg 5 The triple heritage of the state in Africa Ali A. Mari 6 Paradigms of modern state formation in the periphery Ali Kazancigil PART II Structures and Functions 7 The states in the institutional vortex of the capitalist world-economy Immanuel Wallerstein 8 The functions of the modern state: in search of a theory Philip Resnick 9 Pluralism, violence and the modern state M.G. Smith 10 Neo-Marxist, pluralist,corporatist,statist theories and the welfare state Goran Therborn 11 State, Ideologies and collective action in Western Europe Pierre Birnbaum 12 `State', legitimacy and protest in Islamic culture Bertrand Bade 13 The forms of the socialist state VIE. Chirkin 14 The theory of the state and the Third World Marcos Kaplan Index Subject Headings |