Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry
Cooper, David
Publisher: Tavistock Publications, London, United KingdomYear First Published: {17638 Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry PSYCHIATRY ANTI-PSYCHIATRY Cooper, David Tavistock Publications London United Kingdom Cooper argues that mainstream psychiatry has developed techniques that are largely irrelevant to the human situation. He proposes a radical social re-evaluation of the whole concept of 'madness' and outlines a new approach to the psychological problems of personal relationships. 1967 1970 140pp B Book - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface <br>Introduction <br> <br>1. Violence and psychiatry <br>2. Families and schizophrenia <br>3. Studying one family <br>4. The invalid, his family, and the ward <br>5. Villa 21 - an experiment in anti-psychiatry <br>6. Furthermore <br> <br>Appendix: The question of results: an ironic addendum <br> <br>References 1 false false true CA17638.htm [0xc00024cf30 0xc000264d80 0xc00161cea0 0xc00161df50 0xc002510f60] Ca} Year Published: 1970 Pages: 140pp Resource Type: Book Cooper argues that mainstream psychiatry has developed techniques that are largely irrelevant to the human situation. He proposes a radical social re-evaluation of the whole concept of 'madness' and outlines a new approach to the psychological problems of personal relationships. Abstract: - Table of Contents Preface Introduction 1. Violence and psychiatry 2. Families and schizophrenia 3. Studying one family 4. The invalid, his family, and the ward 5. Villa 21 - an experiment in anti-psychiatry 6. Furthermore Appendix: The question of results: an ironic addendum References Subject Headings |