The Progressive Party in Canada

Morton, W. L.
Publisher:  University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {17614 The Progressive Party in Canada PROGRESSIVE PARTY IN CANADA Morton, W. L. University of Toronto Press Toronto Canada A history of the Progressive Party in Western Canada in the early years of the twentieth century. 1950 1971 331pp BC17614s-ProgressiveParty.jpg B Book 0-8020-6062-5 329.10971 - <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Foreword by S.D. Clark <br>Preface <br> <br>I. The Background of the Progressive Movement, 1896-1911 <br>II. The Farmers' Movement and the Political Parties, 1911-18 <br>III. The Beginnings of Political Action, 1919-20 <br>IV. The Progressive Movement and the General Election, 1920-21 <br>V. The Political Failure of the Progressives, 1921-22 <br>VI. The Disintegration of the Federal Progressive Party, 1923-25 <br>VII. The Progressive Movement in the Provinces, 1922-26 <br>VIII. The Progressive Group in the Constitutional Crisis of 1926 <br>IX. The Progressive Tradition in Canadian Politics to 1935 <br> <br>Appendix <br>Bibliographical Essay <br>Index 1 false false true CA17614.htm [0xc001e44600 0xc00056be60 0xc000f8e000 0xc0028aeab0] Ca}
Year Published:  1971
Pages:  331pp   ISBN:  0-8020-6062-5
  Dewey:  329.10971
Resource Type:  Book

A history of the Progressive Party in Western Canada in the early years of the twentieth century.


Table of Contents

Foreword by S.D. Clark

I. The Background of the Progressive Movement, 1896-1911
II. The Farmers' Movement and the Political Parties, 1911-18
III. The Beginnings of Political Action, 1919-20
IV. The Progressive Movement and the General Election, 1920-21
V. The Political Failure of the Progressives, 1921-22
VI. The Disintegration of the Federal Progressive Party, 1923-25
VII. The Progressive Movement in the Provinces, 1922-26
VIII. The Progressive Group in the Constitutional Crisis of 1926
IX. The Progressive Tradition in Canadian Politics to 1935

Bibliographical Essay

Subject Headings

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