The Political Economy of Slavery
Studies in the Economy and Society of the Slave South
Genovese, Eugene D.
Publisher: Vintage Books, New York, USA
Year Published: 1965
Pages: 304pp Resource Type: Book
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Part I: The Setting
1. The Slave South: An Interpretation
Part II: Virgin Land and Servile Labour
2. The Low Productivity of Southern Slave Labour: Causes and Effects
3. The Negro Labourer in Africa and the Slave South
4. Cotton, Slavery, and Soil Exhaustion
5. Livestock in the Slave Economy
6. The Limits of Agricultural Reform
Part III: The Subservience of Town to Country
7. The Significance of the Slave Plantation for Southern Economic Development
8. The Industrialists under the Slave Regime
9. Slave Labour or Free in the Southern Factories: A Political Analysis of an Economic Debate
Part IV: The General Crisis of the Slave South
10. The Origins of Slavery Expansionism
Bibliographical Note
Subject Headings