International Socialism 84 - December 1975
Revolutionary Politics Today

Publisher:  International Socialism, London, United Kingdom
Year Published:  1975
Pages:  32pp   Resource Type:  Serial Publication (Periodical)


Portugal: Reaction in the saddle
The AUEW defeat and after
Detente: Time is running out
Egypt: The deepening crisis

A Debate: Revolutionary Politics today
The crisis in the US imperialist camp
How the International Socialists see the crisis
The working class and national liberation movements
Are the third world revolutions socialist?
Socialism in one country or permant revolution
Can other social groups achieve a socialist revolution?
Why the working class must lead
Socialist power does not have to be based on the working class
Deflected permanent revolution
The British crisis
The Communist Party's role
United fronts
The rank and file movement
Trade union unity
Intervention by the International Socialists
The revolutionary party

Primitive Accumulation
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