The Ghost in the Machine

Koestler, Arthur
Publisher:  Panm Books, London, United Kingdom
Year First Published:  {16043 The Ghost in the Machine GHOST IN THE MACHINE Koestler, Arthur Panm Books London United Kingdom An analysis of the relationship between reason and imagination. 1967 1975 384pp BC16043s-Ghost.jpg B Book 153.43 - <br> <br> <br> <br>Table of Contents <br> <br>Preface <br> <br>Part One: Order <br>1. The Poverty of Psychology <br>The Four Pillars of Unwisdom <br>The Rise of Behaviourism <br>The De-Humanisation of Man <br>How to Manipulate Tautologies <br>The Philosophy of Ratomorphism <br> <br>2. The Chain of Words and the Tree of Language <br>The Chain <br>The Tree <br>'What Did You Say?' <br>The Postman and the Dog <br>'What Do You Mean by That?' <br>Rules, Strategies and Feedbacks <br> <br>3. The Holon <br>The Parable of the Two Watchmakers <br>Enter Janus <br>Social Holons <br>The Basic Polarity <br> <br>4. Individuals and Dividuals <br>A Note About Diagrams <br>Inorganic Systems <br>The Organism and its Spares <br>The Integrative Powers of Life <br> <br>5. Triggers and Filters <br>Triggers <br>How to Build a Nest <br>Filters <br> <br>6. A Memory for Forgetting <br>Abstractive Memory <br>A Speculative View <br>Two Types of Memory <br>Picture-Stip Memory <br>Images and Schemata <br>Learning by Rote <br> <br>7. The Helmsman <br>Sensory-Motor Routines <br>Feedbacks and Homeostasis <br>Loops within Loops <br>A Holarchy of Holons <br> <br>8. Habit and Improvisation <br>The Origins of Originality <br>The Mechanisation of Habits <br>One Step at a Time <br>The Challenge of Environment <br> <br>Part Two: Becoming <br>9. The Strategy of Embryos <br>Docility and Determination <br>The Genetic Keyboard <br> <br>10. Evolution: Theme and Variations <br>Internal Selection <br>The Case of the Eyeless Fly <br>The Puzzle of Homology <br>Archetypes in Biology <br>The Law of Balance <br>The Doppelgangers <br>The Thirty-Six Plots <br> <br>11. Evolution CTD: Progress by Initiative <br>Acting Before Reacting <br>Once More Darwin and Lamarck <br> <br>12. Evolution CTD: Undoing and Re-doing <br>Blind Alleys <br>Escape from Specialisation <br>Draw back to Leap <br> <br>13. The Glory of Man <br>Forms of Self-Repair <br>Higher Forms of Self-Repair <br>Self-Repair and Self-Realisation <br>Science and the Unconscious <br>Association and Bisociation <br>The AHA Reaction <br>The HAHA Reaction <br>Laughter and Emotion <br>The AH Reaction <br>Art and Emotion <br>The Creative Trinity <br> <br>14. The Ghost in the Machine <br>The 'Second Law' <br>The Swing of the Pendulum <br>The Stage and the Actors <br>Shifts of Control <br>The Serial View <br>The Flatworm's Ego <br>A Road to Freedom <br>A Sort of Maxim <br>The Open-Ended Hierarchy <br> <br>Part Three: Disorder <br>15. The Predicament of Man <br>The ThreeDimensions of Emotion <br>The Perils of Aggression <br>The Pathology of Devotion <br>The Ritual of Sacrifice <br>The Observer from Mars <br>The Cheerful Ostrich <br>Integration and Identification <br>The Perils of Identification <br>Hierarchich Awareness <br>Induction and Hypnosis <br>Sweet Caesor's Wounds <br>The Structure of Beliefs <br>The Split <br>The Comforts of Double-Think <br>The Group Mind as a Holon <br> <br>16. The Three Brains <br>Mistakes in Brain-Making <br>'A Tumorous Overgrowth' <br>The Physiology of Emotion <br>The Three Brains <br>Emotion and the Ancient Brain <br>'Schizophysiology' <br>A Taste of the Sun <br>Knowing with One's Viscera <br>Janus Revisited <br> <br>17. A Unique Species <br>The Unsolicited Gift <br>Looking in Utter Darkness <br>The Peaceful Primate <br>The Harmless Hunter <br>The Curse of Language <br>The Discovery of Death <br> <br>18. The Age of Climax <br>The Hinge of History <br>Two Curves <br>The New Calendar <br>'Tampering with Human Nature <br>Prometheus Unhinged <br>Mutating into the Future <br>A Plea to the Phantom Reader <br> <br>Appendix One: General Properties of Open Hierarchical Systems (O.H.S.) <br>Appendix Two: On Not Flogging Dead Horses <br> <br>References <br>Bibliography <br>Acknowledgements <br>Index 1 false false true CA16043.htm [0xc001372570 0xc0013728a0 0xc001373560 0xc001373680 0xc001532540 0xc000214d20 0xc0004044b0 0xc000404780 0xc000404bd0 0xc0005388a0 0xc000538c00 0xc0001b06f0 0xc0001b0d80 0xc0003442a0 0xc00081a420 0xc00246e8a0 0xc0002cbf80 0xc0002ee420 0xc000490360 0xc000b2a600 0xc000957e00 0xc000bae1e0 0xc000b469f0 0xc000b47050 0xc001631a40 0xc00006b770 0xc000127a70] Ca}
Year Published:  1975
Pages:  384pp     Dewey:  153.43
Resource Type:  Book

An analysis of the relationship between reason and imagination.


Table of Contents


Part One: Order
1. The Poverty of Psychology
The Four Pillars of Unwisdom
The Rise of Behaviourism
The De-Humanisation of Man
How to Manipulate Tautologies
The Philosophy of Ratomorphism

2. The Chain of Words and the Tree of Language
The Chain
The Tree
'What Did You Say?'
The Postman and the Dog
'What Do You Mean by That?'
Rules, Strategies and Feedbacks

3. The Holon
The Parable of the Two Watchmakers
Enter Janus
Social Holons
The Basic Polarity

4. Individuals and Dividuals
A Note About Diagrams
Inorganic Systems
The Organism and its Spares
The Integrative Powers of Life

5. Triggers and Filters
How to Build a Nest

6. A Memory for Forgetting
Abstractive Memory
A Speculative View
Two Types of Memory
Picture-Stip Memory
Images and Schemata
Learning by Rote

7. The Helmsman
Sensory-Motor Routines
Feedbacks and Homeostasis
Loops within Loops
A Holarchy of Holons

8. Habit and Improvisation
The Origins of Originality
The Mechanisation of Habits
One Step at a Time
The Challenge of Environment

Part Two: Becoming
9. The Strategy of Embryos
Docility and Determination
The Genetic Keyboard

10. Evolution: Theme and Variations
Internal Selection
The Case of the Eyeless Fly
The Puzzle of Homology
Archetypes in Biology
The Law of Balance
The Doppelgangers
The Thirty-Six Plots

11. Evolution CTD: Progress by Initiative
Acting Before Reacting
Once More Darwin and Lamarck

12. Evolution CTD: Undoing and Re-doing
Blind Alleys
Escape from Specialisation
Draw back to Leap

13. The Glory of Man
Forms of Self-Repair
Higher Forms of Self-Repair
Self-Repair and Self-Realisation
Science and the Unconscious
Association and Bisociation
The AHA Reaction
The HAHA Reaction
Laughter and Emotion
The AH Reaction
Art and Emotion
The Creative Trinity

14. The Ghost in the Machine
The 'Second Law'
The Swing of the Pendulum
The Stage and the Actors
Shifts of Control
The Serial View
The Flatworm's Ego
A Road to Freedom
A Sort of Maxim
The Open-Ended Hierarchy

Part Three: Disorder
15. The Predicament of Man
The ThreeDimensions of Emotion
The Perils of Aggression
The Pathology of Devotion
The Ritual of Sacrifice
The Observer from Mars
The Cheerful Ostrich
Integration and Identification
The Perils of Identification
Hierarchich Awareness
Induction and Hypnosis
Sweet Caesor's Wounds
The Structure of Beliefs
The Split
The Comforts of Double-Think
The Group Mind as a Holon

16. The Three Brains
Mistakes in Brain-Making
'A Tumorous Overgrowth'
The Physiology of Emotion
The Three Brains
Emotion and the Ancient Brain
A Taste of the Sun
Knowing with One's Viscera
Janus Revisited

17. A Unique Species
The Unsolicited Gift
Looking in Utter Darkness
The Peaceful Primate
The Harmless Hunter
The Curse of Language
The Discovery of Death

18. The Age of Climax
The Hinge of History
Two Curves
The New Calendar
'Tampering with Human Nature
Prometheus Unhinged
Mutating into the Future
A Plea to the Phantom Reader

Appendix One: General Properties of Open Hierarchical Systems (O.H.S.)
Appendix Two: On Not Flogging Dead Horses


Subject Headings

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