Campus politics - Class politics

Publisher:  University of Toronto Communist Club, Toronto, Canada
Year Published:  1971
Pages:  67pp   Resource Type:  Pamphlet

A booklet on campus politics at the University of Toronto published by the University of Toronto Communist Club in 1971.


Table of Contents

Part One: The Changing Nature of Higher Education
1. Curricula and manpower
2. Imperialism and Canadian particularities in educational change
3. Changes in the class position of students
4. The organization of higher education

Part Two: Students' interests and how they are thwarted
1. Generalization and specialization
2. Natural sciences and professional schools versus social sciences and humanities
3. "Bourgeois Ideas"
4. Branchplant education
5. The academic guild

Part Three: How capitalism divides and conquers
1. National oppression and racism
2. Sexism
3. Anti-intellectualism

Part Four: Strategies
1. Campus politics versus outside politics
i) "University politics only?"
ii) "Campus politics is a waste of time"
2. Theory versus practice
i) "The worse, the better?"
ii) Wheeling and dealing
iii) Confrontationism
iv) Anti-reform leftism
v) Lifestyle-ism
vi) Revolutionary purity
vii) Academic anti-communism
4. Forms of organization and action at the University of Toronto
5. Campus politics and class struggle
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