How You Too Can Make At Least $1 Million (But Probably Much More) In The Mail-Order Business

Joffe, Geraldo
Publisher:  Self-Counsel Press, Toronto, Canada
Year First Published:  {12639 How You Too Can Make At Least $1 Million (But Probably Much More) In The Mail-Order Business HOW YOU TOO CAN MAKE AT LEAST $1 MILLION (BUT PROBABLY MUCH MORE) IN THE MAIL-ORDER BUSINESS Joffe, Geraldo Self-Counsel Press Toronto Canada 1978 1979 370pp BC12639-Make1Millionn.jpg B Book 0-88908-072-0 HF5466.J63 1980 658.8'72 1 false false true CA12639.htm [0xc0002fe8d0 0xc0002feab0 0xc00042d560] Ca}
Year Published:  1979
Pages:  370pp   ISBN:  0-88908-072-0
Library of Congress Number:  HF5466.J63 1980   Dewey:  658.8'72
Resource Type:  Book

Subject Headings

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