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Connexions Library

Beyond the brexit debate
Malik, Kenan
Whatever the result of the Brexit referendum, of one thing we can be sure: Britain will neither be invaded by marauding Turks, as anti-EU campaigners suggest might happen if the country votes 'Yes', n...
Bringing the Battlefield to the Border: The Wild World of Border Security and Boundary Building in Arizona
Miller, Todd
The U.S.-Mexican border has not only become Ground Zero for every experiment in immigration enforcement and drug interdiction, but also the incubator, testing site, showcase, and staging ground for ev...
Keep Out: The case for open borders: New Internationalist October 2002 - #350
Serial Publication (Periodical)
A look at refugees and the challenges they face. Discussion of how the refugee experience differs in different parts of the world.
Models of Coming U.S. Interventions: Iraq or Haiti?: Against The Current vol. 134
Terrall, Ben
Ben Terrall interviews Mike Davis.
Open Borders and the Tragedy of Open Access Commons
Daly, Herman
“Open borders” refers to a policy of unlimited or free immigration. I argue here that it is a bad policy. If you are poor and your country provides no social safety net, you move to one that does. If ...
Shocked by Donald Trump's 'travel ban'? Israel has had a similar policy for decades
White, Ben
Describing how President Trump's stances and policies on immigration, borders and torture draws heavily from existing policies and tactics of the Israeli state.
Socialist Register 1993: Volume 29: Real Problems False Solutions
Miliband, Ralph; Panitch, Leo (eds.)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
Time to Unfence our view of Migration
Andersson, Ruben
Instead of pretending that fence-building will solve anything, it is high time that we 'unfence' our views of migration. On the one hand, this means seeking other, more humane responses to human movem...
Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights
Boulder, Kamala Kempadoo (ed.)
This collection of essays underscores the interlocking relationship between prostitution, migration and trafficking. They reveal a deep seated anxiety about borders, economic resources and the fragili...
What's the Border Fence Good for? Subsidizing Mexican Scrap Metal Entrepreneurs
Levine, Yasha
It was obvious from the very beginning that Bush's push for a border fence was nothing more than a political show to boost Republicans' creds with their base.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Defending Privacy at the U.S. Border: A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices
Our lives are on our laptops – family photos, medical documents, banking information, details about what websites we visit, and so much more. Thanks to protections enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, ...