Black Bloc
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Below are groups and resources (books, articles, websites, etc.) related to this topic. Click on an item’s title to go its resource page with author, publisher, description/abstract and other details, a link to the full text if available, as well as links to related topics in the Subject Index. You can also browse the Title, Author, Subject, Chronological, Dewey, LoC, and Format indexes, or use the Search box. Connexions LibraryAgent provocateur: Connexipedia Article Article A person employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act. An analysis of the G20 protest and the black bloc Ritch Article 2010 It should be clear that the actions of the black bloc reflect their politics. The actions in Toronto mirror those tactics used elsewhere. The tactics and politics regardless of their intent are inhere... Anarchy is struggle for life, freedom and dignity Article 2010 A communique by the Circle of Fire anarchist collective and the Anarchist Bulletin BLACK FLAG on the events of May 5th, 2010 in Athens, when three bank workers were murdered by 'anarchist' arsonists. ... Black Bloc: Connexipedia Article Article People who engage in protests wearing black clothing and masks and engaging in property damage. The tactic was developed in the 1980s by anti-nuclear activist autonomists, and was subsequently adopted... Black bloc attack on massive trade union demo in October 2011 Article 2011 For most of the public, it is difficult to tell the black bloc from neo-nazi skins, and that is one of its problems. Black Bloc Provocateurs Set Strasbourg Hotel on Fire Article 2009 Legitimate anti-NATO protesters are determined to use non-violent civil disobedience to block the summit. In order to provide an excuse to use batons and rubber bullets against them, agents provocateu... The Cancer in Occupy Hedges, Chris Article 2012 The Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement. The presence of Black Bloc anarchists — so named because they dress i... Chris Hedges and the black bloc Proyect, Louis Article 2012 From its inception back in the European autonomist movements of the 1980s, the black-clad activists refuse to answer anybody outside of their ranks. Within the “affinity group”, everything is cool. Ou... Communist Organizing in the Jim Crow South: What's Not in The Great Debaters Cane, Don; Zorn, Jacob Article 2008 The Great Debaters is a well-made movie. But in its paeans to dedication and debate, it downplays the real social struggle that was going on in the U.S. in the 1930s, including by black people in the ... Cut It Out: An Open Letter to Black Bloc Anarchists Gibson, Carl Article 2012 Black Bloc tactics actually serve the cause of the 0.1%. Diversity of Tactics and Democracy Lakey, George Article 2002 To me, a strategy isn't democratic if it intrinsically alienates the majority of oppressed people and shuts the door to their participation. A strategy isn't democratic if it drives away the working c... 'Diversity of tactics' as a justification for violent tactics - a debate, part 1 Davidson-Harden, Adam Article 2010 The Fire This Time: Burning Bridges D'Arcy, Steve; Canyon, Syrah Article 2010 Some activists hold back from condemning tactics that are politically stupid and destructive, like the recent Ottawa arson attack by an anarchist group, because of a commitment to the doctrine of a 'd... Five Days in Seattle: A View from the Ground Dixon, Chris Article 1999 About the 1999 protests in Seattle. The futility of activism using violence as catharsis Davidson-Harden, Adam Article 2010 The anarchist practitioners of violence are fundamentally elitist. They do violence because it makes them feel good, and they don't care about the fact that it undermines the real work for social chan... How 'Antifa' Mirrors the 'Alt-Right' Hedges, Chris Article 2017 Behind the rhetoric of the "alt-right" about white nativism and protecting American traditions, history and Christian values is the lust for violence. Behind the rhetoric of antifa, the Black Bloc and... How the 'black bloc' protected the G20 Davidson-Harden, Adam Article 2010 The black-clad mob in Toronto has left a lot of people not only in the general public but in the wider nonviolent social/global justice movements in Canada feeling disgusted, demoralized and dispirite... Is this what a police state looks like? Dobbin, Murray Article 2010 The corporate security state is not static - it will keep filling more and more space to the extent that they are allowed to by civil society. The police actions in Toronto are one of those key moment... National Anarchism: Connexipedia Article Article National-Anarchism is a syncretic political current that was developed in the 1990s by former Third Positionists to reconcile anarchism with nationalism and in some cases racial separatism. It has phi... Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - October 9, 2017: Meeting the Challenge of the Right Diemer, Ulli (ed.) Serial Publication (Periodical) 2017 Challenging the Right requires not only anti-fascist actions in the street, but organizing to reach those who may be attracted the the appeal of the Right and offering an alternative social vision. Th... The Politics of a Punch: Richard Spencer and the Black Bloc Proyect, Louis Article 2017 Alt-right leader Richard Spencer was punched in the face by a man dressed in black bloc garb. Louis Proyect gives his interpretation of the punching incident. Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20 Watson, Paul Joseph Article 2009 At every single major summit over the past few years, authorities have inserted agent provocateurs into protest groups in order to spy on them and if necessary, provoke violence to justify oppressive ... Shining a light on the black bloc, part 1: Italian autonomism Proyect, Louis Article 2011 The combination of autonomist thuggery and Red Brigade terror had a lot to do with the implosion of the Italian left. While the Italian bourgeoisie was ready to carry out a repression even if the left... Summit Protests Are Obsolete Giordano, Al Article 2010 I can understand why a lot of folks went to the G20 protests, sincerely wanting to stand up and be counted against savage global capitalism and its consequences. The problem is, almost nobody who didn... Throwing Out the Master's Tools and Building a Better House: Thoughts on the Importance of Nonviolence in the Occupy Revolution ![]() Solnit, Rebecca Article 2011 Diversity of tactics does not mean that anything goes and that democratic decision-making doesn't apply. If you want to be part of a movement, treat the others with respect; don't spring unwanted surp... What do the Autonomen want? Article 1988 Autonomen are not a faction in the spectrum of anti-capitalist struggle. They are also not the radical wing of the protest movement. Autonomen consider rather each movement an opportunity to gratify t... Who Controls The Black Bloc Anarchists? Watson, Paul Joseph Article 2009 Whose interests do the violent actions of the black bloc benefit? The interests of the general public in using free speech as a means of political change? Or the interests of the authorities in provid... The Whole World Stopped Watching: "Diversity of Tactics", Repression, and the RNC protests in St. Paul, Minnesota (Part I) Duhamel, Phillippe Article 2008 I must engage those of my activist friends who believe in the "Diversity of Tactics" framework, the now established modus operandi of summit and convention protests. I have come to believe a sorry rec... Why is the New York Times promoting the "black bloc"? Van Auken, Bill Article 2017 A New York Times article, which ran across four columns of the newspaper's front page under a huge photo of a black-masked individual preparing to break an office building window with an iron bar duri... Sources LibraryBlack Brigades Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia Fascist paramilitary groups forming a bloc operating in the Italian Social Republic (in northern Italy), during the final years of World War II, and after the signing of the Italian Armistice in 1943. Black Hundreds Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia An ultra-nationalist bloc in Russia in the early 20th century noted for their direct action methods, including pogroms and terrorist attacks against liberals and leftists. Blackshirts Sources Select Resources Encyclopedia Fascist paramilitary groups in Italy who dressed in black, and assembled in blocs to attack unionists and leftists. Subsequently fascist groups in Germany and Britain also dressed in black and used si... |