Arts & Culture

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Connexions Library

Radical Perspectives in the Arts
Baxandall, Lee (ed.)
An anthology of Marxist literary and cultural criticism.

Connexions Directory of Groups & Websites

Bread and Puppets Theatre
The Bread and Puppet Theatre is a long standing puppet troupe that perform politically themed puppet plays. The shows, which involve large puppets often made of paper mache, are usually socialist-insp...
Winchevsky Centre (Morris Winchevsky School)
The Winchevsky Centre is a progressive secular Jewish community centre offering intergenerational cultural and educational opportunities emphasizing Jewish history and traditions. Programs reflect a s...

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

Sources Library

Young Iraqis hope the Written Word can Reinvigorate a New Generation
Arraf, Jane
An informal lending library uses literary heritage to remind young Baghdadis they don't need to emigrate to escape daily travails.