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Connexions Library

Amnesia and the Armenian Genocide
Batou, Jean
A century after the methodically planned, organized, and executed destruction of the Anatolian Armenians, this article revisits the causes of this genocide and recognizes its importance for understand...
Der Zor Diary: A Pilgrimage To The Killing Fields of the Armenian Genocide
Kasbarian, Lucine
The Der Zor desert -- the most infamous of the killings fields in the premeditated extermination of the Armenian people carried out by the Turkish government beginning in 1915.
Judgment unto Truth: An Armenian Memory
Jernazian, Ephraim K.
Jernazian was born in Turkish Armenia in 1890 and lived there until he was forced to flee in 1922. This autobriography tells of a way of life in those years now destroyed forever. His sensitive and en...
Life after Communism West goes East: New Internationalist April 2004
Serial Publication (Periodical)
A look at the effects of communist rule in the former Soviet Union and the post-communism transition.
Other Voices: The Connexions Newsletter - May 7, 2015: Urban agriculture and local food production
Diemer, Ulli (editor); Rickwood, Darien Yawching (production)
Serial Publication (Periodical)
This issue of Other Voices ranges widely, from increasing worker activism and strikes in China, to advances in battery technology that make it much easier and cheaper to store solar and wind energy fo...
The Russian-Georgian Clash: Against The Current vol. 136
Weissman, Suzi
Interview with Ronald Grigor Suny.

Sources Experts & Spokespersons

From the Connexions Archives

Embassy Row Online
Contact names and numbers for all embassies to Canada and all Canadian embassies abroad.