Yours in the Struggle:
Reminiscences of Tim Buck
Reviewed by Ian Angus
Originally published in Histoire Sociale – Social History, May
William Beeching, Phyllis Clarke, eds. — Yours
in the Struggle: Reminiscences of Tim Buck. Toronto: NC Press, 1977.
Pp. xv, 414.
Tim Buck was General Secretary of the Communist
Party of Canada from 1929 until 1962, and Chairman of the party from then
until his death in 1973, thus establishing a record for longevity in
office unequalled by any other Communist Party leader anywhere in the
world. He was a member of the Executive Committee of the Communist
International from 1935 until the dissolution of the Comintern in 1943.
From the year he arrived in Canada (1910) until his death he was
constantly involved in labour and socialist organizations. Obviously the
honest and frank memoirs of such a man would be of immense value to
Tim Buck, however, was not a man to provide anyone
with his honest and frank memoirs. In articles, pamphlets and books
published during his lifetime he systematically distorted the history of
the Canadian communist movement to the greater glory of Tim Buck. Shortly
after he became General Secretary the CPC began calling itself "Tim Buck's
Party"—and Buck himself did everything possible to promote this Canadian
version of the "cult of personality."
This book, compiled from tape recorded interviews
made by the CBC in 1965, continues the process. Although the editors
describe it as an autobiography, it is a remarkably incomplete account of
Buck's life. Many critical events are omitted entirely; others are quite
thoroughly falsified.
Buck's account of his own rise to the office of
General Secretary in 1929 is characteristic. In Reminiscences he retells
the story, familiar to readers of his Thirty Years (Progress Books, 1952)
and other books, of his fight against the "Trotskyist" Maurice Spector
(Party Chairman until 1928) and the "Lovestonite" Jack MacDonald (General
Secretary until 1929). Unfortunately, as William Rodney has demonstrated
in Soldiers of the International (University of Toronto Press,
1968), Buck's version is false in almost every detail: it is "a revision
of history in the best traditions of Stalinism" (p. 156).
One could cite many more examples. Particularly
glaring is the absence of any discussion of the crisis of Canadian
Communism in 1957, during which the Party lost most of its membership and
the Political Committee voted to remove Buck from office. Missing as well
is any serious account of the Communist International: for example, there
is no mention of the Comintern "commission" sent to Canada in 1930 to
investigate charges made against Buck by the Party's large Finnish and
Ukrainian auxiliary organizations.
Some of the falsifications are simply petty. In his
major work on the history of the CPC, Thirty Years, Buck wrote that
the 1929 Convention of the CPC elected only three of Buck's supporters to
the Central Committee: "namely, Buck, Smith, and Bruce." (p. 66). This in
itself is incorrect, since eight members of the Buck faction were elected,
but see what becomes of the story in Reminiscences: "they elected a
Central Committee with just Tom McEwen, Malcolm Bruce and me from the
opposition." (p. 138) The number three remains, but Stewart Smith has been
replaced by Tom McEwen. Between the publication of Thirty Years and
the recording of the Reminiscences, Stewart Smith had left the
Communist Party: henceforth he was an unperson.
One might, of course, conclude that Buck's memory
was fading by 1965, that poor memory rather than bad faith caused the many
historical errors made in the Reminiscences. Such a view would be
charitable, but not tenable. In 1968 Buck had his memory thoroughly
refreshed by Rodney's carefully documented Soldiers of the
International. This did not prevent him from repeating his own
demonstrably false account in his last published book, Lenin and Canada
(Progress Books, 1970). The truth did not reflect credit on Buck, so he
sought to suppress it.
No one expects a politician's memoirs to be fully
truthful, but even the most cynical of us should be shocked by Buck's
constant disregard for truth. Only where the party line is not at stake
can his account be trusted: for example, in his recollections of the
Canadian socialist movement before the Russian Revolution, and in his
description of life in prison in the 1930s. These passages are
interesting, even exciting, but they are only a small part of the whole.
Buck's falsifications alone would not condemn this
book. Even the most mendacious of memoirs can provide useful insights into
the thoughts and character of their authors. Properly edited and
annotated, they can make fine historical works. Such editing was not done
in this case. In fact, I find myself wondering just what the editors did
do. In the entire book they have added just one footnote. Apart from the
major errors and omissions of the type cited above, there are dozens of
minor factual errors in the book which the editors have neither
identified nor corrected. In transcribing the tape recordings they have
added errors of their own: for example, rendering U.S. Communist leader
Jay Lovestone as "J. Lovestone" (Buck was certainly not so formal), and
French CP leader Andre Marty as "Andre Marte." These are not major errors,
but they would not have been made by anyone properly familiar with the
One of the editors has provided a somewhat
hagiographic Preface. In it he gives no indication that he is aware of the
major omissions in the book, or of the contradictions between Buck's
account and other published studies of the same events. A Foreword written
by Buck's long-time colleague, Tom McEwen, shows even less critical
spirit: indeed, McEwen finds it possible to praise this errorriddled
book for displaying Buck's "concern for detail" p. viii)
For all of the inadequacies of Yours in the
Struggle, its editors deserve congratulation for publishing an
important historical document, especially since they did so in defiance of
an attempt to suppress it. Both of the editors have been suspended from
the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada for releasing the
Reminiscences against the Party leadership's instructions. It is a
pity that, having decided to publish, they did not also decide to take
their editorial responsibilities seriously.
What they have given us is neither autobiography
nor history, but a raw historical document, virtually unedited. When
historians come to write the history of the Canadian communist movement,
Tim Buck's Reminiscences will provide some of the raw material: it
should not be mistaken for history itself.
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