Northstar Compass Bunner










Click the links below to download the music:

The Internationale

Soviet National Anthem
(from Stalin period, sung by Paul Robeson)

New Recordings of Soviet Revolutionary Songs Available Now!

Irina Malenko from N. Ireland sent us CD's of songs that were re-recorded by Soviet patriots. We have put them on tapes and they are available to our readers. The quality is excellent and you will be uplifted by the sheer patriotism of these songs and melodies that helped the USSR build Socialism and win the Revolution, win the Civil War and defeat fascism in the Great Patriotic War.

You Should Not Be Without These Melodies and Songs!
Each recording is 90 minutes.

Songs of the Komsomol

Songs of The Russian Proletariat

Songs of The Civil War
Chapayev Period

Songs of the Civil War

From Russia with Songs

Youth Construction Brigade Songs

Available on audio tape for: $15 each plus mailing.

Available on CDs for: $20 each plus mailing