NEWS & LETTERS, Nov-Dec 10, Stop FBI raids

NEWS & LETTERS, November - December 2010

Stop the FBI raids!

News and Letters Committees statement:

The FBI raids on anti-war activists' homes in Minneapolis, Chicago and North Carolina on Sept. 24 recall some of the most reactionary moments in this country's political history, from the 1919 Palmer Raids to 1950s McCarthyism to the deadly COINTELPRO attacks of the 1960s and 1970s. We in News and Letters Committees join in the immediate resistance to this round of ruling class attacks, which herald a new offensive against the broad movement for freedom and justice.

We condemn the use of all the repressive tools of the ruling class, including the newer ones invented under the guise of "anti-terrorism" legislation, and call for a broad mobilization in opposition to these present raids and all future moves against movement activists. Already by Sept. 28, protests have taken place in over two dozen cities and towns across the U.S. As history has shown in the fundamental matter of the right to dissent, an attack upon one is an attack upon us all.

--Resident Editorial Board, Sept. 28, 2010

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