NEWS & LETTERS, June - July 2009
Stop the killing of abortion providers!
Chicago--We rallied in several ways after the murder of Dr. George Tiller by an anti-abortion fanatic. Close to 30 rallied and held an open discussion at a candlelight vigil for Dr. Tiller called by the local chapter of NARAL on June 5. A few days earlier, on June 1, about 80 people joined with thousands who demonstrated from California to New York. We gathered downtown behind a banner reading, "Abortion on demand and without apology." On June 10 about 20 people counter-demonstrated against "Pro-Life Action League," who assaulted Chicago with huge blow-ups of supposedly aborted fetuses and pamphlets full of lies about abortion in general. Their glee over Dr. Tiller's murder was unambiguous.
--Reproductive justice activist