Home healthcare winSeattle, Wash.--On July 30, home healthcare workers fighting Substitute House Bill 2361, which would force those of us caring for a disabled relative to become Individual Providers with the state and the Department of Developmental Disabilities, went back to court (see SEIU shafts home healthcare workers, June-July N&L). The bill says if we want to keep our jobs taking care of a disabled relative, we have to quit Home Health Care agencies and join the union (SEIU), and take a large cut in pay and healthcare benefits. We won a Temporary Restraining Order last month, keeping the state from implementing SHB 2361. This new court date was for a Temporary Injunction against the bill. A call went out to SEIU to pack the courtroom to keep out the disabled people and their families! It didn't work. We all got there early and there were more of us in the courtroom than SEIU bureaucrats. The lawyers provided solid arguments based on the Americans with Disabilities Act and the testimonies of many people in the courtroom. They presented the human side of the situation while the opposing lawyers ignored that issue. The judge continued the Temporary Restraining Order until Aug. 12, saying he needed more time to make a decision. We consider it a temporary victory. |
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