
NEWS & LETTERS, November 2004

Fight nuclear dump

Williston, S.C.--In 1999 I got a certified letter saying that a local manufacturing company, Dixie-Narco, wanted to move a sewage system that was on our property. Most of the people living right around Dixie-Narco are Black. The sewage system had been built for a trailer park in the late 1940s. The contamination caused by the sewage system has been traced back to when chemical wastewater associated with the manufacture of refrigerators and air conditioning equipment by Admiral Home Appliances was sent to the sewage system from around the 1950s to the late 1980s. They had put millions of gallons of contaminated wastewater through that sewage system which discharged into the nearby wetland area. It sank into the groundwater, and may have affected nearby streams and ponds.


The shocking thing is the company wanted to sue me and my family because of the contamination. They wanted control and ownership of our property which was a little over 40 acres. I would not sell the property or accept a payoff because the main thing I wanted was to make sure they cleaned the property up and tested folk’s water to see if it was contaminated. If I were out of the picture, they would not do any testing in the neighborhood and rush to remove the septic system, and maybe do a quick cleanup.

I started fighting and going to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). Most everybody in that area drinks groundwater from private wells. After EPA and the State tested the drinking water in the area, we found out six homes had drinking water that was contaminated with chemicals like TCE, mercury, and lead. Aside from the homes nearby, there are also two schools in the vicinity; there is concern of how these contaminants in the drinking water may be affecting children.

I wrote to Lindsey Graham, Strom Thurmond, Joe Wilson, and John Ashcroft; they never got back to me. My State Representative wasn’t any help, and I've known him for years. Some of his family still lives near the contaminated area. I was sure he was going to get involved and help. He called one evening and told me if I didn't stop talking about this he was going to "kick my ass." The local NAACP wouldn't do anything either.

I contacted the Sierra Club Environmental Justice Program (Memphis) and got Rita Harris to help organize the community. We created fliers to help people understand what was going on. I went around the town, delivering fliers to get people to stand up and speak out. The Sierra Club helped us form a group called Citizens Against Toxic Contaminants (CATC).


The EPA went for 18 months without holding a public meeting. They caused a lot of suspicion, because while they didn’t want to give us information, they had people out in moon suits taking samples. Last December, they wanted to have an "availability session," where you talk in a small group or alone to the people.

They didn't want to talk to us as a group, tell everybody the same story, or let everybody hear somebody else's questions and the answers they would give. We felt like this was a way to control the meeting and keep people from telling their stories about how they felt the contamination might have caused their cancers. We went to the EPA meeting with over 50 protesters carrying signs and demanding answers in a "real" meeting.

These companies divide people. They give money to the church organizations, to the NAACP, to politicians. The nuclear industry can fund all kinds of people. Corporate powers run South Carolina. It's the nuclear dumping ground of the world.

At the school, many children are taking Ritalin and have some learning disabilities or health problems. If you look at what TCE causes, you can find people with those same symptoms from house to house. Williston is like a Third World country.

These people need water, education, health care. People need to be more aware of what's going on around them. They've got to put some restrictions on these polluting companies so they can't just pay people off. Corporations are controlling everything. It's capitalism.

--Environmental justice activist

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