
NEWS & LETTERS, December 2004


Marxist-Humanist Writings on the Middle East

Selected Writings by Raya Dunayevskaya 1961-1982 and from News & Letters 1988-2002

"World War II had totally changed the objective situation. The creation of the state of Israel changed it still further for the Middle East. Two realities, thereupon, were new: the existence of Israel, and with that success, the creation of another national consciousness—the Palestinian people. Their right to self-determination can no more be decided from above, be it via the many Arab kingdoms and emirates, or the PLO claiming sole spokesmanship—much less through a UN command. Let the Palestinian people speak for themselves."—from "The UN Resolution on Zionism—and The Ideological Obfuscation Also on The Left," January 24, 1976

"It was precisely for that aim of annexing the West Bank that the latest imperialist venture into Lebanon was taken. It is not just the PLO that [Menachem] Begin-[Gen. Ariel] Sharon are out to destroy, but the very idea of Palestinian national self-determination. The whole talk of so-called autonomy in the Camp David Peace Treaty was a sham and a snare. This is clearly not the time for any 'half-way houses.' The Begin-Sharon government must be overthrown!"—from "Down with The Perpetrators of Palestinian Slaughter: Need for Total Uprooting," September 19, 1982


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