
NEWS & LETTERS, December 2004

A new News & Letters in 2005

Next year, 2005, will mark the 50th anniversary of NEWS & LETTERS which was founded at the height of McCarthyism and has remained the only Marxist-Humanist journal  published in the U.S.  Just as McCarthyism failed then to divert us from our goal of establishing News and Letters Committees as a new kind of organization, and its paper, NEWS & LETTERS, as a unique combination of theory and practice, so today ever deeper retrogression of Bushism will not divert us from our goal of unfurling a fuller and more expansive banner of liberation next year.

Beginning in January 2005, N&L will be published on a new bimonthly basis, to allow both the time and the space needed for discussion of developments in the world of ideas at the same time that we deepen our dialog with all the forces of revolt. We also aim to increase our political-philosophic analyses of critical ongoing events at the same time that we expand  our organizational activism into new areas and new publishing projects.

From our beginning, our principle has been never to separate the voices of revolt from the articulation of the philosophy of revolution Raya Dunayevskaya created as Marxist-Humanism. In the face of the deepening retrogression we confront today, we see the need to continue that principle by further deepening that unique relationship in which we have attempted to break down the separation of workers and intellectuals, inside and outside, philosophy and revolution — and which we see demanding today the end to the separation of philosophy and organization.

We consider the new developments you will be seeing in N&L as all part of the attempt to close the gap between philosophy and organization that has characterized the entire radical movement.

One indication of this attempt will be the new classes we are scheduling to begin in the new year on "Beyond Capitalism: Marx’s Marxism as Ground for an Emancipatory Alternative," in which we invite you to participate with all our local committees.

 For 50 years we have reached out to our readers for their support in all our work and it has been that support that has sustained us and kept us going and growing.  We are more than ever asking for your support in our new development:

• Join us in the pages of NEWS & LETTERS with your writing and in our classes in a News and Letters Committee nearest to you. See "How to Contact News and Letters Committees" on page 11.

• Make a donation to NEWS & LETTERS. Send your check to NEWS & LETTERS, 36 South Wabash, Room 1440, Chicago IL 60603, USA. Or visit us at www.newsandletters.org/Appeal.htm

• We need subscribers. You will receive NEWS & LETTERS  every other month for a year for only $5. See the literature page, or email arise@newsandletters.org

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