

Bookstore harassed!

Indianapolis, Ind.--Over the past weeks, Solidarity Books has experienced an increasing amount of police repression. There has been a stream of undercover police agents in and out of the space, marked and unmarked police cars and tech vans parked on the Boulevard Ave., and allegations of responsibility for vandalism at a downtown Starbucks and at St. Mary’s Church (the parish providing the National Governor’s Association protests with a convergence space).

This came to a head on Aug. 14. After forming a perimeter around the collective space, the police pulled over two cars as they tried to leave, claiming minor traffic infractions. Tickets were issued to many of the cars parked outside, as fire marshals demanded entry for a safety inspection. These marshals lacked any complaint or report, let alone a warrant. Nevertheless, they entered accompanied by police officers who were supposedly protecting them. Police searched every room in the house, including personal belongings of the collective members who live on the second floor.

The police were followed by officers with the ATF, bomb squad, and the Seattle Police Department (who stated that they were acting as consultants to the Indianapolis Police Department). There were no weapons or other contraband in the space.

We had set up a phone list prior to the raid, and had between 30 to 50 supporters on the scene within a half hour. We staged an impromptu rally, and also amply documented the raid, with notetaking, photo cameras, and video cameras. Apparently due to this show of strength there were no arrests made.

Please voice your opposition to the police repression we are experiencing. Get in touch with us at: solidaritybooks@riseup.net

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