

California's recall

Oakland, Cal.--A hundred years ago, when the legislature was in the pockets of railroad magnates and robber barons, proposition and recall initiatives were put in place to make government more accountable to the people. Now propositions are put up by big money, with underemployed people paid to collect signatures. The signatures for Governor Gray Davis’ recall were bought for $3 million by right-wing Congressman Darrel Issa, a wealthy Southern Californian.  

It is true that nobody loves Davis. He is so firmly bought by the prison guards’ union that while schools have been drastically cut in the last few years, prison guards get to keep their 30% raises. But the reason trumpeted by the right-wing, the state’s budget problem, is mostly the result of the economic collapse of California’s high-tech industries. It is also a result of today’s robber barons in the energy business, Bush’s friends who bought him the White House.

Davis is not blameless there, either. During the height of the energy crisis, many wanted to let the energy companies turn off the lights, declare a state of emergency and take over the now-proven-to-be-criminal enterprises. But Davis played middle-of-the-road and signed the extortionate energy contracts, which California is still paying for.

Since it takes a two-thirds vote to pass California’s budget, a minority of Bushites with veto power have made democracy impossible. They will not allow tax or fee increases, only spending cuts including the unconscionable idea of cutting the first two years of elementary school! They would make California the first “late-start” instead of “head-start” state.

The legislature passed a gimmicky budget that borrows against the future. Pundits are joking about the recall, with so many candidates on the ballot. But on the ground, important services are disappearing and the suffering people are yet to be heard.

--Ron Brokmeyer

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