

Verizon demand

New York--Sisters and brothers, as many of you know the contract between Verizon and over 75,000 workers is up in August. Our unions (CWA/IBEW) are currently involved in difficult and tough negotiations, as the Verizon overlords are demanding deep cuts in the living standards of our workforce.

For three years, Black telephone workers, under the leadership of the Black Telephone Workers for Justice, have been waging a struggle to make the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a paid holiday from Verizon for all of its employees. Verizon has confirmed our accusations of racism and hypocrisy as they have so far rejected the demand for a paid holiday in these current negotiations.

We are asking for your help in our struggle. We are calling on you to send an email to Verizon’s top overlord. Please send an email demanding that Dr. King’s birthday be made a paid holiday, or you will participate in a national boycott of Verizon products. The address is ivan.g.seidenberg@verizon.com. Please send a copy to onmwashington@aol.com.

Thanks for your support! The Struggle Continues!

--Ron Washington, BTWFJ

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