

Killer cop trial

Chicago--The civil trial of white police officer Kenny Lunsford, along with the City of Chicago, for the killing of Michael Russell is a major event. Lunsford killed Russell, a 20-year-old Black man, on April 20, 1998 outside the Cabrini-Green housing projects. Russell was caught up in a situation where one man, Craig Winn, had shot another man, Marrio Morgan, and then Winn was in turn shot by police.

Russell was shot a number of times in the back when he tried to take cover. He was unarmed and uninvolved. Craig Winn and Marrio Morgan have testified to that effect, denying Lunsford’s lawyers’ attempts to smear him. Morgan also testified that Lunsford tried to coerce him in 1998 to implicate Russell in his shooting by pressuring him on a drug case in which Lunsford was the arresting officer. Morgan’s lawyer at the time corroborates this.

A police internal affairs investigation found Lunsford guilty of lying about the shooting, but no action was taken and the ruling was overturned by the Office of Professional Standards. Callie Baird, the former head of OPS, was recently rewarded for such services by being appointed to head the Cook County Jail.

Michael Russell was one of three young Black men murdered by police at Cabrini-Green in 1998, along with Brennan King and Leroy Reed. Across Chicago, 71 people were shot by police that year and 15 of them died. It would be good to see a little belated justice done in one of these cases. It is also important to remember justice undone.  

--Gerard Emmett

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