

Chicago Social Forum

When you look around your community what do you see? Job loss, lack of affordable housing, public education in crisis, cuts in public transportation, a growing prison industrial complex, union busting, racism, immigrant bashing, attacks on civil liberties, cuts in social services, militarism, pollution, alienation and other problems.

Join those of us who believe that ANOTHER CHICAGO IS POSSIBLE! Become part of the process of seeking and building alternatives--help to develop the Chicago Social Forum.

A Social Forum is an open meeting place that brings together a variety of people from a wide variety of struggles for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, and interlinking for effective action! We are inspired by the highly successful World Social Forum, which has been held for three years in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This movement of movements has helped to develop global actions such as the international march against the war on Feb. 15, 2003 as well as spawning local and regional social forums all over the world.

A Social Forum is a convergence of labor, students, people of color, women, immigrants' rights groups, community organizations, cultural organizations, artists, activists and many others. Our first Social Forum is currently scheduled to take place Jan. 31–Feb. 1, 2004.  

Building the event is only one part of this ongoing dialogue. As stated in the World Social Forum Charter of Principals, "The World Social Forum at Porto Alegre was an event localized in time and place. From now on, in the certainty proclaimed at Porto Alegre that 'another world is possible,' it becomes a permanent process of seeking and building alternatives, which cannot be reduced to the events supporting it." 

We build the Social Forum in Chicago with that spirit. Of particular importance is the linking of local struggles with global concerns and creating a space for a plurality of voices in envisioning ways to overcome barriers on both the local and the global level. We hope you will join us not only to build this unique event but also to be part of the process of building a vision of another Chicago.

More information about the World Social Forum and other regional forums can be found at the following web sites:



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