

Join in a series of discussions on

Negativity and Freedom: Philosophic Alternatives to Capitalism, War, and Terror

Today's drive for war has exposed not alone the inhumanity of Bush's war against Iraq, but also the inhumanity of the entire social, political and economic system upon which it is based. Explore the alternatives, in six meetings to be held in cities across the country.

1. Marx's CAPITAL and Today's Global Crisis...and the Debate Over Humanism, Structuralism, and Post-Structuralism

2. Introducing the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx...and Pragmatism's Attack on Dialectics

3. Hegel's PHENOMENOLOGY OF MIND I:  Staring Negativity in the Face...and Debates on the Dialectic of Race and Slavery

4. Hegel's PHENOMENOLOGY OF MIND II:  The Self-Alienated Spirit of Modernity...From the French Revolution to Today

5. Hegel's Absolutes: End of History or Vision of a New Society?... and the Challenges from Critical Theory and Existentialism

6. Toward the Dialectics of Organization and Philosophy...and the Challenge to Youth and Women from Post-Structuralism and Empire

For a schedule of these open discussions in your area, as well as a syllabus of the readings, contact the News and Letters Committee nearest you (See News & Letters Committees.

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